Chapter thirty

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Sirius pulls me with him and we're both running, as more and more Death Eaters flood the courtyard.

"We need to be at every nook and cranny. Any space where they can enter the Castle needs to be protected."


The first spell comes from my right side, and I block it easily. I turn and see Alecto there. I can only assume she's been living for this moment alone.

"See you've brought your filthy uncle to protect you. Pathetic." And then she shoots an Expelliarmus charm at me.

I block it easily and fire back with Stupefy. She too blocks it and we continue dueling. I can see she's not ready to kill me yet, it probably won't give her the satisfaction she needs. So, I say "Heard someone killed Amycus. Serves him right."

"What did you say?" she yells, and at that moment her attention slips, and I manage to stun her.

"Idiot." I mutter and go over to Sirius, who's standing above another Death Eater I don't know.

"I reckon Amycus is alive?" he asks, as we continue running.

"Oh, I've no idea. I just knew that was the only person she cares about, besides herself."

"You're evil. I love it." he smirks wickedly.

We encounter another pair of Death Eaters, this time Crabbe and Goyle. Perfect. Just who I wanted to see.

"It's time for you to pay for this, you bitch." Crabbe says and shoots a curse at me, which Sirius blocks.

"Now, that's no way to talk to a lady." Sirius says, and stuns Crabbe effortlessly.

Goyle raises his wand and I shoot an Expelliarmus before he can even blink. I stun him too, for good measure and Sirius and I keep on.

"I suppose they already found a way in."

"Well, Crabbe and Goyle were already at the school and as for Alecto, she probably managed to slip by someone."

"Oh. Alright."

We're still running when someone yells "Ellie watch out!"

And I'm one second away from being hit with the killing curse, but Sirius yanks me out of the way. I turn around and see Lucius Malfoy standing behind me. Fred, which I assume is who warned me, joins Sirius and me.

"Hitting a child with a killing curse, with her back turned. How terrifyingly pathetic. I thought you could sink no lower Lucius." Sirius says.

"It's your fault that my son doesn't talk to me anymore. That he's gone down the wrong path. You're going to pay."

"Actually, he's going down the right path, and if anything, the fault is yours, so shut the fuck up." I say and blast him with a curse that sends him flying back.

As soon as his back hits the floor, he scrabbles back up and draws his wand. But, hesitation is the death of advantage, so Sirius launches his wand out of his grasp before he can even utter a spell.

"Stupefy." Fred shoots him with a stunning spell, and he falls down, unconscious.

"Tell me again, why is everyone so afraid of him?" I ask mockingly.

"Because they're all stupid." Sirius replies and turns to Fred "Where's your partner?"

"Well, my partner is Tonks, but she was fighting alongside Malfoy so she told me to come help you guard any entrance that might need it."

"Malfoy?" I sputter "as in Draco?"

"No, Lucius. Of course Draco."

"How'd that happen?"

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