Chapter twenty-one

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"Aren't you even going to attempt to excuse yourself?" the Hufflepuff girl yells at me.

I gather myself and I say in a shaky voice "You couldn't possibly be implying I somehow did this?"

"You, your boyfriend, it's all the same to me. I overheard you in the library joking about Zacharias's death."

"I would never do such a thing, besides I was in my dorm. I went there right after our meeting. You can ask Ginny."

She seems as uncentered and offput as I am but she says "It's true, we were together."

"We all know she has no problem lying for you." The Hufflepuff girl, who I realize is Susan Bones, now that my vision isn't completely clouded by tears.

"Susan, I would never do such a thing. I didn't hate him."

"But your Death Eater boyfriend would, no doubt. They have no issue using Unforgivables."

"Not him. Not Draco. He couldn't do this." I say, but then I recall our conversation from this morning. He did say he would kill him, but there's no way. Then again, how could I be sure of that.

Professor McGonagall pushes her way through the crowd of students, and when she approaches us and sees his body on the floor, she freezes instantly.

"Everyone move please, go to your dormitories." And students start walking away.

She stands there, staring down at his body for a few seconds. She springs into action, and she conjures a carrier, which professor Slughorn, and professor Sprout – who is visibly crying – carry away, to the hospital wing, I presume.

"Do you two have any idea who might have done this?" McGonagall asks, and I realize she's asking us.

"No, professor, we don't."

"Look no further professor, your murderer is right in front of you." Susan says, and I am stunned seeing as I thought she left.

"You can blame me Susan, it won't make it true." I say calmly.

"I'm very sorry for your loss, but I really don't know who did it. I will however, not rest until we find who is."

"Check your bed first Lupin."

"Miss Bones, go to your dormitory please." McGonagall says, resting a gentle hand on Susan's shoulder.

"What is she talking about Ellie?" McGonagall asks, turning to me.

"I'm dating Draco, professor. A lot of my classmates had issues with it, and we have been fighting over it lately. Yesterday, Zacharias threw some nasty comments at me and Draco was angry when I told him. It's not a motive for murder. I suppose Susan heard us in the library, and has now jumped to conclusions. I will talk to him, but there is no chance he did this. Someone else must have overheard our conversation." I finish, letting out a long sigh.

"I believe your judgement, Ellie, so I hope you're right, otherwise this could get very ugly."

"I will prove it to you professor, I promise."

I tell Ginny I'll meet her later, and I head down to the dungeons. However, I don't make it far, because I find Susan Bones pointing her wand at Draco, shouting curses. Draco doesn't seem to attack back, he's only blocking her spells.

"Expelliarmus!" I shoot a disarming charm at Susan and her wand flies out of her hand.

"Leave, Susan. You're not in your right mind, go before you do something you'll regret."

"See, you're defending him." She says and sniffles.

"Please Susan, go."

She does and I turn to Draco. A mixture of fear and confusion is clouding his grey eyes. I take his hand lightly, wanting nothing more than to throw my arms around him, and assure that everything is alright, but I can't, and it isn't.

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