Chapter 30

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Gun was nervous now. As he looked up from the grass to look straight ahead, he sees someone standing in the middle, facing him.

"Is that..." He mutters to himself, walking closer slowly. While he walked to the center, Gun could feel his heartbeat race faster and faster. "Ai'Off..." He whispers, almost inaudible.

Off is looking at him, a bright smile on his face. He stood in the middle, a bouquet of flowers Gun didn't know in his hand as he wore a black, expensive-looking suit. If it wasn't so overwhelming for Gun, he wouldn't laugh at his best friend by now and what he was doing.

"Hi...?" Off started. Gun looked at him and saw how he was trembling ever so slightly. He broke out a smile, lips quivering happily. "Uh... do you like the game I–" Jumpol was cut off with Gun abruptly wrapping his arms around him, engulfing him in a hug.

Gun wanted to scream from happiness. All the butterflies in his stomach fluttering their wings, tickling him and making him smile widely against Off's chest. "You're an idiot..." He utters. Off chuckles as he slowly wraps his arms around Gun's shoulders, leaning his face down onto the crown of Gun's head.

"Am I now?" Off asked against Gun's hair, making him giggle at the sensation. Gun nods, still smiling. He can feel Off's heartbeat, he can feel how equally fast it was beating, and honestly did that make Gun so much happier than he was already.

"You are. A big one, too." Gun replied, snickering. They finally break the hug, though making sure to still have their hands on one another, and have no choice but to look at each other's faces. Seeing Off for the first time after their fight made Gun guilty, remembering the things that already has been said by him. "I..." He hung his head low.

"I'm really sorry..."

Off chuckled, but he was confused. "Why? For what?" He asked before unwrapping his arms around Gun's shoulders to look at him fully. The action only made Gun more nervous about apologizing.

"For, well,... last time." The smaller male briefly answered, head still hung lowly. Gun suddenly felt a weight on his head, Off had placed his hand on Gun's head. "H-Hey, what are you doing?!" Gun exclaimed when the older male started ruffling and messing his hair up.

Gun looks up at Off, pouting. He sees Off looking at him, grinning. "Keep your eyes on me, GunGun. No looking away, okay?" The taller one said. If that wasn't enough for Gun's already panicking heart, Off bent down slightly and took his face into his hands, ensuring that Gun only looked his way.

"Ready?" Off asked.

Gun's eyebrows knitted together in confusion and—he had to admit—anxiety for what Off could say, but Off looked as though he wasn't going to continue speaking until Gun gave him an answer, so he nodded. Although it was one hesitant nod, Off considered it as an answer anyway because he broke into another smile.

Off leaned closer to his face, so close Gun could hear his heartbeat once again. He didn't know what his best friend was up to anymore, he couldn't predict or think of what he could possibly do.

The older one watched as Gun's expression practically screamed short-circuiting and he couldn't help but chuckle lowly under his breath. When Gun snapped out of his trance, Off had already leaned down lower, catching his lips and placing a small peck.

Off moved away, maintaining eye contact with Gun as much as possible. With his... crush's stare and sudden kiss, you can imagine just how flustered Gun got. Out of embarrassment, Gun pushes Off back gently, just to create some distance between the two of them.

"I-Idiot! Have you got no shame!?" Gun practically screamed at the top, covering his mouth with the back of his hand in a poor attempt to hide his flushed cheeks. Off copies him, covering his mouth to suppress his laughter.

Raining soccer balls || offgun!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz