Chapter 10

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"Jumpol Adulkittiporn, you're kidding!" Gun screams, placing his food down on the table and walking to Off, who stares up at him before pushing his legs away to see the television again.

"I'm not. Do you have a better plan then?" Off asks, shoving a spoon of rice in his mouth.

Gun frowns and sits down beside him, sighing. "No. But why fake dating?"

"You think we can easily get away with acting like nothing happened after I confessed to you in front of hundreds of people?" Off deadpans. "We have to act like we're together for at least a week or two or else people will be suspicious and weirded out. Who the hell breaks up in a day? Hell, under A DAY?"

Yeah, he has a point.

"Okay, but what about Mild? We have to tell her about this, obviously."

Off looks at him. "Call her then."

Gun's eyes widened. "Are you serious?! Look, she told me she likes you and if I confront her and she already found out, SHE'S GOING TO KILL ME!" He shouted, gripping Off's biceps.

The latter shakes the hand off him and groans. "Fine. I'll tell her then," Off says, grabbing his phone and dialing Mild. "Happy?" He asks Gun, who nods and pulls Off's hand to put the call on speaker mode.

The two waited for her to pick up the phone, and just as they were gonna give up, Mild picked up. "Um,... hello?"

Gun's eyes widen in panic and he looks at Off, who seems to be quite panicky as well. "Uh, hey."

Fuck, this is so awkward!

"We should've planned this more." Off mouthed to Gun who only grimaced quietly.

"Why'd you call?" Mild asked.

With the question, Off knew he had to get straight to the point. After enough preparation, he finally spoke up. "Have you heard about me an–"

"You and Gun, right? Yeah." She sharply cuts him off. Gun stares at Off's phone and bites his lips. "How could I not? It was all over social media and our school website!" Mild laughed, extremely bitterly at that.

"Mild," Off mentions, not really knowing what to say. "It was supposed to be–"

"It's getting late, Off. I think I'll go to bed... I need beauty sleep, after all. Congratulations to you and Gun, by the way. Tell him that for me, okay?" She says, cutting him off once again.

Gun couldn't take it anymore. He quickly grabbed Off's phone and opened his mouth to speak, only for no sound to come out when he noticed Mild had already hung up. He groans, shoving the phone back to Off.

The younger male looks down at his lap and sighs. Off watches him, it was so quiet. Too quiet, Off thought.

"This is all my fault." Gun whispers.

"No, it's not."

"Stop lying, Off. Now's not the time."

He stayed silent. The latter just watches and listens as Gun goes from mute to sniffling to full-on sobbing in just 3 minutes or so. As much as Off hates pointing fingers, he obviously can't help but put the blame on Gun.

But that is not something that should be said. Ever. Gun knows it well enough already.

Off could only pat his best friend and rub circles on his back until Gun goes quiet. Once he did go quiet, the older one looked at him and saw he had fallen asleep.

Sighing, he gently picks Gun up bridal style, careful to not wake the younger up, and placing him on his couch. Jumpol turns off the T.V and goes to bed.

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