Chapter 11

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As Gun walked to campus, he knew he and Off would be the talk of the uni because of his so-called boyfriend's showy confession. It was all over their school page, too!

But he didn't expect it to be this big of a talk. The moment he stepped his foot on the campus grounds, random girls he had never even seen before were now talking to him and asking him about Off.

"Why do you like P'Off?" - Girl 1.

I don't!

"What did you guys do after the game?" - Girl 2.


"How long have you guys liked each other?" - Girl 3.


And so on. Gun had to speed up his walking to lose them when he turned a corner and hid in an empty classroom before booking it to his real class, almost being considered late despite arriving early at the campus.

Not to his surprise, he sees Off sitting down on a chair beside where he, Gun, usually sat. He sighs and bows his head down before making a beeline to the seat beside his best friend.

"Why were you almost late?" Off asked with his right cheek placed on his hand as he looked at Gun.

"I had to run away from girls who..."

"–Are now shipping us like, a whole lot?" Off finishes and Gun nods in response. "I had to, as well. God, I was already popular but the moment I got here it was as if I was a celebrity of some sort."

Gun sighs again. "It's only the next day and I'm already exhausted from being your presumed boyfriend." He slumps down on the table.

"You don't have any right to complain! We both got ourselves in this situation so we're getting ourselves out of this situation, together." The older one says to him in a low voice. The other only hums in response.

Gun dislikes this morning but he admits that random girls asking him questions like the paparazzi is better than seeing Mild. He wasn't ready to face her. Not yet... he stole her crush, for christ's sake!

"Stop overthinking and pay attention... I don't want to have to tutor you... you know I hate tutoring you." Off pinches Gun's arm as a warning. Gun almost laughs. 

Off was too perfect; he was good at sports, meaning he obviously had a healthy body,... he was good at studying, attractive, charming, great personality, oh, Gun could go on.

While he, the latter, was the complete opposite.

He wasn't good at any sports, albeit being quite flexible and speedy. With studying... oh, don't even get him started with that. Attractive? Well, Gun can admit he was cute, but that was about it... his height does not help at all. Charming,... eh.

What he means is he doesn't stand a chance if compared to Off.

Will people be suspicious of us? Who expects a relationship between a nobody and a popular, perfect man?

Gun sulked even more, and Off noticed. With a blank face, the said male pinches Gun's arm once again. "Pay. Attention." He whispers harshly.

The younger only turns to him and sticks his tongue out at Off's face before burying his head into his arms, which were placed on the table. Jumpol, with furrowed brows, observed as Gun slowly fell asleep as the professor discussed.

Sighing, he lets the boy sleep and continues to listen in class.

Soon enough, it was their last class for the morning, and Off found it weird. He and Gun have not encountered Mild at all yet and to be honest, he was both glad and worried.

Raining soccer balls || offgun!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu