Chapter 15

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To be frank, Off didn't know what came over him as well. Suddenly wanting to skip class? With no proper destination at that? What the heck was he thinking? Off Jumpol didn't know as well.

Off has been driving randomly for the past 30 minutes and it seems like Gun has fallen asleep (for real this time too!).

Where the heck do I go now? Do I just drop Gun off because he's asleep? But I can't let his grandma know he skipped...

Off stops at the red light as he thinks.

Should I take him back to my place? Eh... boring. Oh! Okay, I got it. I'll surprise him!

Jumpol decides to take Gun back to his place, stopping his motorcycle in front of his house. Off slowly got off of Chawee, holding Gun by the waist to prevent him from falling.

"God, what does this boy eat..." Off muttered under his breath as he fumbled with his keys to open the door. He almost got it but failed when the keys fell from his hands.

Off sighs and gently places Gun down on the floor, making him lean up on the wall. "I can't multitask for shit." He mumbles, taking his key and finally opening his door. The tall male picks the other male up and brings him inside, plopping Gun onto the living room couch.

"I'll be right back! For the love of God, do NOT wake up." Off quietly says to Gun (as if he was gonna respond) before leaving his house once again.

What does Gun like again? Somtam?... or was it fish?

"I'll just buy both!" Off decides and gets on his motorcycle. He drives to the nearest 7-11 and enters inside. Grabbing a basket, he went straight to the noodles section.

Off runs his hand through the many cup noodles displayed in front of him, thinking of which flavor to buy. In the end, he opts for the pork-flavored noodles, takes them, and throws it into his basket.

He couldn't help but laugh to himself. "I left to go get somtam and fish for Gun, but I'm here... buying cup noodles for myself. Ah~ Sorry not sorry, ATP." He said to himself as he walked to the potato chips shelf.

Taking two different flavors, Off finally finishes and goes to the cashier to pay before exiting. "Mm, should I really buy somtam for him?"

Off scans the area in front of him, and as if it was a sign, there is a somtam stall right to the left of the road. "Damnit... fine!" He rolls his eyes and walks to the stall, getting his wallet ready.

"Hello, I'd like a plate worth of somtam, please. Thank you." Off ordered.

Soon enough, his order finishes and he goes back home. Quietly opening the door, he walks inside, trying to make as little sound as possible.

Off walks to the couch and chuckles at the sight of Gun. "Still asleep? I wonder what you're dreaming about,"

The older one goes to the kitchen and places the food on the island before walking back to Gun to wake him up. "You can wake up now~" He sang to Gun, nudging him a little.

But Gun didn't move, irritating Off. The aforementioned pinches Gun's arm, making the boy finally stir awake.

"Hey, sleeping beauty." Off greets, snapping his fingers in front of Gun. "Wake up, wake up. I got us food."

The younger one rubs his eyes and stretches, looking around. "Are we at your place...? This doesn't feel like my bed..."

Off laughs. "Yes, we're at mine and you're on my couch."

Gun swats him away so he can sit up. "You said you got us food, right? What food?"

"I went to 7-11 for cup noodles and chips, but I also got you somtam."

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