Chapter 2

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Gun stared at Mild, analyzing her face and expressions as she did her homework. They are currently in the library, with Mild doing her late assignment and Gun accompanying her. "You usually get your work done the moment it's assigned, what's wrong?" He spoke, startling Mild for a quick moment.

She looks up from her laptop and purses her lips. "I don't know. I guess I've been... out of it, recently?..." Mild says in a tone that showed she wasn't even sure herself; voice and words fading away.

"About...?" The male adds on, wanting to know what's bothering his best friend. She doesn't make eye contact with Gun. Instead, she finds what's behind him far more interesting. Mild bites her bottom lip and finally looks at him.

"Well... I think... I like someone." She confesses, her posture finally relaxing.

Gun's eyes widen and he fights the urge to slam his hands on the table and scream 'who!?' at the top of his lungs.

If only we weren't in a library...

He breathes in, closing his eyes in the process. After composing himself, he finally whispers to Mild. "Who in the hell?"

The girl jumps a little at his question before she nervously laughs it off. "Um... well, you know him very, very, very well." Mild says, adding pressure on the last 'very'.

Do not tell me...

"Off?" Gun slips out, eyebrows raised in—not really—curiosity. Mild's cheeks tinted pink after hearing Gun. She looks down and nods slightly, and it took all of Gun's willpower to not stand up and scream like a madman.

Oh my God. Oh my God! Mild likes Off back! OH MY GOD! OFF WILL FINALLY GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT MILD! Off was right! Mild does like him back!... wow. No wonder he's so confident about confessing to her in front of everyone...

Gun, once again, calms himself down. "Why didn't you tell me this type of information sooner? I thought we told each other everything!" He says to her, acting hurt. Mild rolls her eyes.

"Why would I tell you something like that? Off's also your best friend. You can tell him just as many things as you tell me." She explained, frowning. "And it's not because I don't trust you, okay?" Mild added quickly after she saw how Gun looked at her suspiciously.

"I only found out recently about these feelings myself... I noticed how I was always wondering what he was doing, where he was, how happy I would be when he was with me or us, and stuff..." Mild sighs and Gun smiles happily at her. "Either way, I really hope you don't tell him about this."

Gun's eyebrow raises in confusion. "Why's that? Isn't it good to shoot your shot now?"

Mild could only stare at him, speechless. Gun's facial expression immediately turns into a you-have-got-to-be-kidding-me type of face. "Do not tell me that you haven't noticed all the signs Off has been giving?" He asks her.

She looks at him in both confusion and surprise.

Oh my lord, she's an idiot.

"The double standards he has for you? Don't you see how he treats you so much better than he treats me? Off is also my best friend, you say? Bullshit." He says, leaning back on his chair and looking away. "That goes for you too...! Buying his favorite drink every day and only buying me water. Ugh, I'm hurt. I can't believe I just noticed it now too." Gun babbles, his mouth forming into a pout when he finished.

Mild chuckles, closing her laptop and putting it away. "But seriously. Please don't tell him. To be honest, I've had the idea that he likes me as well, maybe even more–"

Raining soccer balls || offgun!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ