Chapter 12

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"Thank you for stopping her..." Gun mutters quietly as they sit on Off's couch.

"It's no problem. The last thing I want is for anyone to get physical." The older one said before they sat in silence.

Gun almost painfully laughed, thinking about just how many times he and Off had sat together in silence. And also how many times he's been at Off's house for the past few days.

"I don't know what to do anymore... She's too mad at me. And she has every right to be." The smaller male frowned. Off looks at him and it was impossible to not do the same.

Off places his hand on Gun's shoulder, making the latter look up at him. "Calm down. Try not to think too much about it, okay? How about we go out tomorrow after classes?"

Atthaphan's eyebrows furrowed at his best friend's suggestions.

"Aren't you worried that people will see us together? You know that's like adding gasoline to the fire, right?"

"Why should we care about what they think? We, ourselves, know the truth."

Gun frowns. "But what if word gets to Mild? If she knows we are hanging out after school too, it'll be more difficult to talk to her."

"Then invite her as well. We'll tell her together." Off smiles, as if his plan wasn't the stupidest plan Gun has ever heard, and actually, it was.

"Oh my lord... and you call me a dumbass. Off, don't you remember what happened earlier? Mild was at her breaking point. She was gonna slap me! The only reason she'd want to interact with me is to kill me." Gun crosses his arms and huffs.

Off chuckles. "What if I try talking to her?" He responded.

Gun grimaces at his reply, hiding his face in his hands to add effect. "I mean... she'll probably go easier on you but... I think it'll still be quite difficult."

"Well duh. You can't go through something expecting it'll be easy peasy. Wanna try?" Off suggests, grabbing his phone from his bag.

Has this dude gone literally mad!?

"Are you CRAZY?!" Gun shouts, taking Off's phone away from him. "Off. You just said to let her cool down, so let her."

"Yeah, but you said she'd go easier on me..." He pouted.

"I said PROBABLY." Gun says, stressing on 'probably'.

Jumpol doesn't respond, instead, he crosses his arms and leans back on the couch. It was quiet again until he spoke. "Are you still up for eating out tomorrow though?"

Gun pinches his sides, resulting in Off slapping the smaller hands away from his body.

I hate when this idiot pinches my sides, why the hell does he do it!?

"I don't understand you... aren't you worried about what type of shit can get to Mild if we are seen outside?" Gun asks.

"But won't it be weird as well if we don't seem like a couple?" Off asks back.

Gun's lips form into a thin line, staying silent.

Why is he so persistent in fake dating? We don't need to put up a show for anyone...

The younger one rubs his face on his hands, breathing in and out loudly. "This is about Mild, Off. We have to tell her the truth before this gets any messier."

"We will tell her but we also need to continue acting as if we're together..." The older one replies.

Gun looks at him, getting frustrated. "Why are you so pushy about us acting like we're actually a thing?" He asks, glaring at the other.

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