Mommy Dearest

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Marcus glanced at Charlie as she sat silently – looking out of the window. She was deep in thought, they were just returning home after spending an hour with Hayden. Charlie didn't ask Marcus about Hayden, but he could tell that she has a lot in her mind. He knows how she feels, he felt the same when he first came to know about Hayden as well. It still feels unreal to have a biological brother. Unfortunately for Marcus, he can't make up for the lost time with his brother until he gets better and for some reason, he doesn't see it happening.

Maybe Marcus was been overly pessimistic but why wouldn't he? All his life he has only lost people. First, his biological parents dumped him, then Susan died. "I am scared," He mumbled.

His words got Charlie's attention as she turned to look at him. She didn't have to ask him why – she is well aware of what he was afraid of. She chewed her lower lip before she heaved a sigh and placed her left hand on his resting right hand. "I know," She softly answered.

Marcus was afraid to lose Hayden. He didn't want to lose his brother. He might not know him well enough to call him a brother yet, but that's what he wants to do – he wants to know Hayden and call him a brother. He wasn't as close to him as he was with Silas, but still – Hayden is his brother and he couldn't shake off the fact that he might be losing him.

"Hayden's health is deteriorating," Marcus spoke lowly while his eyes were on the road. Charlie wanted to tell Marcus that he doesn't have to tell her or talk about it if he doesn't want to, but when she looked at him – she decided not to interrupt him. Even when he was driving, Marcus seemed extremely focused on what he was about to tell her. He wanted to talk about it. "Nothing is working for better for him." He added sorrowfully.

None of them talked for the whole ride back to Charlie's apartment. Marcus had to pick Kathie up before he brings her back to Charlie. This was another surprise for her. Since the two of them started to date – hell, even before that – Marcus never trusted her or anyone to leave Kathie alone with. He might have started to trust his family with his child, but Charlie didn't think her time will come soon. She didn't question why he was deciding to leave Kathie with her alone while he goes to work on something urgent at his office. She just enjoyed the fact that Marcus has finally taken her in.

When Charlie was getting into her apartment, she glanced at Gavin's apartment's closed door. She has so many questions to ask him – that she is meaning to ask later. She still doesn't remember what she did when she was drunk. She would have knocked at his door now if Marcus wasn't with her. He doesn't feel very comfortable around Gavin. Charlie doesn't know if he is jealous or is very protective of her, but whatever is the reason he doesn't feel easy when she is with Gavin.

"Is your headache completely gone?" Marcus asked as she sat on the couch with the thud. Charlie only tiredly nodded her head. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Maybe you should sleep a little. I will come back in a couple of hours and drop Kathie with you if that's okay with you? I need to report to the office for some urgent work." He added.

Charlie chuckled, "Of course, I am okay with having her with me, Marcus. I am glad that you trust me to be with her alone," She replied.

Marcus gulped. His expressions dropped, "I am sorry I made you feel like I don't trust you. I always did and I always will," He said as he sat on the couch beside her. Charlie placed her hand on his while he continues, "After I return from work. I need to tell you – everything. I know you want to know more about Hayden. I want to share what has been keeping me up at night. I want you to know what worries me – I want to vent out to you." He smiled softly at her. He was low for just her to be heard. "You know it has been years since I talked to someone. Since I vented out. I am so tired of keeping everything with me." He told her.

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