Gavin, The New Neighbor.

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"I don't believe you need to visit more for the dressing of your wound. It is healing pretty neatly." The nurse spoke as she threw the previous bandage into the bin. Charlie grinned, "Really? I don't have to be on bed rest any longer?" She asked her. The nurse chuckled, "I am not sure about that, Dr. Stevens will guide you about it. But from the look of your wound, I think you don't have to follow strict resting restrictions." She replied. The nurse took a notepad and wrote something on it before she looked at Charlie, "Any other discomfort other than the dull ache in the wound?" She asked Charlie, who shook her head, "No, none. I have been walking more easily lately and the pain has decreased as well," She answered. The nurse nodded and wrote it down before she looked at Charlie and smiled, "Relax here for a bit – Dr. Stevens will be here soon. I have done the dressing of your wound. I am sure you will be able to do it yourself the next time," The nurse spoke before she drew the curtains and walked out before drawing them again, to give Charlie the privacy she needed.

Marcus was in the waiting room. Even when Charlie suggested that she will go see the doctor on her own – Marcus declined. He was not going to let her go on her own with a driver. He had nothing work-related planned for a couple of hours. He has been keeping his schedule clear so that he could accompany Charlie to the doctor today. He could see that she was doing much better since the past week. She has been walking more often and doesn't complain about the pain as much as she used to. He saw the nurse walking away, so he stood and walked into where Charlie was. He walked to her and slide the curtains to see her on her phone. She looked up and smiled, "Hey," she greeted. Marcus smiled and adjusted the curtains behind him. "Hi, how are you feeling?" He asked her as he approached and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

She beamed, "I am all right. The nurse just told me that I might not have to come for the dressings anymore. She said the wounds are healing pretty neatly." She said. Marcus chuckled at her excitement, "That is wonderful news. But it doesn't mean you can jump on the bed with Kathie right away." Marcus raised his eyebrow. Charlie rolled her eyes, "That was just one time," She mumbled. Two nights ago, Marcus and Kathie visited her as usual and while Marcus stepped out of the room to attend a call – Kathie somehow got Charlie to jump on her bed. Charlie wasn't going to jump – she is not that stupid but she only stood on the bed while Kathie jumped and laughed. She thought one jump wouldn't hurt her so she jumped but she was wrong as her laughter soon turned into a hiss as her wound ached and as if she wasn't in enough pain – Marcus walked in the exact time. Let just say, Charlie hasn't been scolded like that in a while. Marcus was not happy with her being so reckless when she in process of healing.

Dr. Steven strolled to Charlie and Marcus with the good news. She was off to strict bed rest but she still needed to be careful until her wound is fully healed. He had run some tests on Charlie, and all the rests had come fine. He told her to come to her when she feels the need to, otherwise, she is good. She changed her medication and just like that Charlie was good to go. While she was excited to know that she didn't have to stick to the bed, Marcus still needs to know if there was something she needed to avoid so he walked with Dr. Stevens and talked to her. Charlie got down from the bed and straightened her clothes, it didn't hurt her at all doing it. After Marcus was done talking to the doctor he drove Charlie to her apartment. As much as Charlie wanted him to stay, Marcus had to leave. Kathie was with Silas and he also had some pending work at the office from yesterday, so after making sure she was in her bed. He left but not before promising that he will visit her with Kathie – like always.

Charlie decided to take a nap when she reached home. Julia was given a half-day as Charlie was going to be in the hospital for most of the day. Julia had prepared her lunch, but Charlie decided to clean herself and then take a nap. She laid on the bed with a smile. She will be back to normal soon. Once she gets fully recovered, she needs to find a new job as her financial situation wasn't ideal and she didn't like when Marcus spends on her. Also, since this was a new apartment, she wants to clean and decorate it according to her taste. She couldn't wait to make this apartment a home. As she made a mental plan to fix things in her life, she slowly started to drift into slumber when loud hammering startled her. She looked up at the photo frame above her bed slightly shaking with each bang, she groaned and sat straight.

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