What Happened At The Wedding? (Part II)

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Marcus looked down at his wrist where once was a wristwatch – even if he had for less than an hour, he liked it. It was the most cherishable gift he ever received from his father which now was snatched by his mother. Maybe Ruby was right, it didn't belong to him. He wasn't the real Harrison, after all. The watch was destined for a real Harrison and he wasn't the one. Marcus gulped down the lump he felt in his throat. He wondered how different his life would have been if he was accepted by his mother – or if he was never abandoned by his real parents. This day would have been so much different if either of the scenarios was true.

Marcus knows that he would have not met Susan if he was never abandoned by his biological parents. He likes to believe that his real parents belonged to middle-class society. He likes to believe that they would have raised him to have a mediocre life if he was still with them. He would have gone to a public school, his parents would have saved money for his college education since he was a child. He would have lived in a dorm during his college years rather than in an expensive penthouse. He would have driven an ordinary car. Everything around him would have been plain and average and maybe at night when sleep wouldn't come, he would have wished for a life he had now.

He sighed at the thought, for him it would have been a perfect life, or maybe he is calling it a perfect life because he never gets to live it. With an average life comes tons of issues. Student loan, rents, risk of unemployment, a tedious job, minimal pay – so many things a middle-class person has to deal with yet he was sure they lived a happier life than him – or that's what he likes to believe.

While he likes to believe that his parents belonged to a middle-class family, the other side of his mind argues it. Why would they abandon him if they had a mediocre but decent lifestyle? Maybe they gave him up because the poverty forced them to, or maybe he was a mistake – or perhaps a product of a one-night stand – or worse a rape. Maybe his real father didn't want to do anything with him, and his mother was too young or too broke to look after him or vise versa. Or maybe they both were living a happy life and didn't want a child to ruin it for them, so they gave him up. So many possibilities, all ripping his heart in shreds.

Marcus wondered, what would have happened if he fell in love with a common person. A person who values money. A person who works hard to afford a decent living. A girl living a normal life somewhere lost amongst the other commoners. Someone who comes home after work, cooks, or possibly orders some food, watching her favorite show before going to bed. Waking every morning, hating the day more than yesterday – gagging for weekends. Someone who waits for the beginning of the month to buy items she wants from the salary fresh in her account. Saving money to buy something, she had an eye for and can't sleep when she finally gets it.

His life would have been different – so much more different from now, but what he had right now is all he could dream of. He had Susan. The only person he could ever love. A yearning for a normal life is one thing, but life without Susan? He doesn't know how painful that would be. Marcus considers himself lucky – his mother might give him a very hard time, but he wouldn't have met Susan if it wasn't for the luxurious life he is living. He is happy to marry the love of his life and soon he will start his own family with her – forgetting all the ill-treatment he receives from his adoptive mother. He is sure that he would never be the father to his children as his mother is to him. He will do better.

Marcus was lost in his thoughts when he heard a soft knock on the door, thinking it is Ruby again – he stood and attentively stared at the door as it slowly opened – revealing a grinning Amelia. Marcus didn't know he was holding his breath until he released it. He let out a shaky chuckle as Amelia stood by the door. Her hands covered her mouth that was curled into a smile, her eyes were teary as the corner of her eyes wrinkled.

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