I Will Wait For You

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Marcus was waiting for Charlie to get ready in the living room, while Kathie was in the room with her. He was flipping through the pages of the magazine he found lying on the table. After spending some time at Charlie's apartment, Marcus has decided to take her along with him to his penthouse. It has been a while since she visited them. He asked her if she wanted to stay for a night and after a hesitant gaze on him, she simply nodded her head with a soft smile on her face. Now, Charlie was in her room – showering and changing into fresh clothes, while Kathie was in her room – sitting on the bed and playing with the toys Charlie keep in her apartment just for his daughter. Marcus had first decided to watch some news but then decided to ditch that idea and just focus on some magazines that's weren't even interesting to him. He decided to ditch them as well and placed them back on the coffee table and stretched his limbs. He yawned as he was still tired from the lack of sleep last night. He heaved a sigh and leaned back on the couch in a more easy position when the doorbell went.

He turned around to look at Charlie's bedroom – seeing if she was out yet. When he didn't hear her coming out, he stood on his feet – by then the visitor had rung the doorbell multiple times. "Marcus, can you please see who it is?" He finally Charlie from the room. Marcus nodded, "On it." He replied and walked to the door. He opened it to see an unknown male figure standing with a smile on his face. The young man's smile fell a little when he saw Marcus when he was expecting Charlie to open the door but as soon as it fell – the sooner it smiles turned into a grin. "Hello," the man greeted. He stretched his hand out for Marcus to shake, "I am Gavin and you are?" he introduced.

Marcus realized who this young man was, he was the neighbor that Charlie told him about – a generous and kind pie-giving neighbor. Marcus smiled and shook Gavin's hand. The grip was slightly tighter than Gavin expected and the shake was briefer, "Ah, right. Charlotte was telling me about you. You are the neighbor that got her the pie," Marcus reckoned. Gavin chuckled and nodded his head, "Yes, I am." He nodded and placed his hands in his pockets. "I am sorry but I never saw you around? Do you live here as well?" Gavin couldn't help but ask. Marcus didn't let the slight curl on his lips flattened as he answered, "No, I don't but my girlfriend does." Gavin gaped and laughed before he punched Marcus's arm playfully, "Oh! Wow!" he laughed. Marcus raised his eyebrows and glanced at Gavin's fist on his arm. "You are Charlotte's boyfriend. That's what I was wondering – how did a guy like you live here!" he tittered.

Marcus kept a forced smile on his face, "Why can't a guy like me live here?" Marcus asked while crossing his arms over his chest. Gavin was shorter than Marcus – he came to his shoulder. Marcus always had an upper hand when it comes to height, he is the tallest among his siblings as well. Maybe this is something he got from his biological parents. Gavin chuckled as he looked at Marcus's eyes, "I don't know. You don't look like a man who would live in Hilda Heights," He shrugged. Marcus looked down at his appearance – it wasn't like he was wearing any branded clothes. Sure, he was dressed in a plain white formal shirt with black pants. He wasn't wearing any tie or blazer or a suit jacket but nothing on his body screamed 'money' maybe except for the watch tied around his wrist that was gifted by his father on Marcus's birthday – knowing his father, it must have costed a fortune. Marcus opened his mouth to comment when he heard Charlie from behind him. Gavin's eyes went behind his shoulder as well. "Oh hi, Gavin." She walked to the two men at the door.

Charlie's eyes traveled from Marcus to Gavin as she smiled, "Oh, Gavin. This is my um – my boyfriend – Marcus," Charlie introduced the tall man beside her to her new neighbor. Gavin smiled and nodded his head towards Marcus, "It is nice to meet you, Marcus." Gavin greeted. Marcus only bobbed his head, "Likewise," He replied short. There was a brief pause among the three of them. Charlie could sense some tension but she couldn't point out why. Gavin cleared his throat, " Anyway, I was wondering if you have a few cups? I am having some family over and I don't have any cups." Gavin said to her. Charlie chuckled, "Of course, I do. Come in," she waved her hand and turned around as she walked into the kitchen.

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