While walking towards meeting she bumped into kayra from reception carrying roses.

"It's an order for Mrs. Amaira"

Sheril gave a tight smile
"I will carry it from here. Thanks kayra"

Sheril took a look at card

"A Woman can be many things, my mother was the most powerful women I have ever seen, guess what women become powerful eventually. Men who think they are superior just because they are aggressive are fools. Don't let any one take things from you love. You deserve where you stand.

To many more successful acheivements
With love,
Hubby. "

So, she is married huh!? Is she married to someone influential in the company what's her surname!? Nah, nobody she knew took leave for marriage though!? Maybe that guys works at other company. But, guess what this time it will be her taking things, No, she deserved this promotion in the first place. And this women sure played dirty shril and entire department has seen it, nobody ever saw Rahul smile, people knew he was CEOs pet dog, but this women was floating with him, Rahul freaking laughed. So much for being married.

With that she walked into meeting room and handed over the flowers.
"It was for you Mrs. Ammu. "

"Thank you"

Ammu opened the note and read it, she was happy seeing her husband supporting. Sometimes, few words are enough. But, work does come first, she is one of the adityas now and she can't take down the reputation now. She should act like it.

"Hello everyone, sorry for making you report in such a short notice. I have referred to the annual reports and I am really disappointed. This team had a great reputation when it started off and substantially the output decreased, but these few months this team is incurring losses. I don't really understand where the problem arises from. I did go through all your profile you are indeed very talented and gifted individuals. So, let's bring this team back to glory''

Ammu completed

Sheril was shocked, she was though indirectly responsible for losses which made the previous lead get transferred she thought she would be offered this role and eventually she can meet the CEO.

"Mr.Robins, I would like to see all the new and ongoing plans of dev team in an hour"

"Right away Mrs. Amaira" Mathew was a man of work ethic. But he was really friendly and sometimes things would slip out of his mouth and that's where sheril was gaming the advantage. Information breech bought many corporations down.

"Ms.Mason, I want to look at all the ongoing developments and make sure to send me a copy of past test and error codes by the EOD"

Shril put her facade on

"Sure Mam"

"Ms.Stewart, I need testing and automation reports of all project your team dealt with"

"I have already mailed you mam"

Bitch! Already started boot licking shril thought, Mary was her only rival, where she had brains, mary was hardworker, dumb women never slacked off.

"Ms.chaturvedi, I want my meetings and schedules mailed to me a day before and inform me of any changes before the day starts and I expect from you keen recording of all past meetings. "

"Sure mam"

Mansa was junior and she felt very intimidated when she first arrived at this brach. So many politics going on, so she never really made any friends here.

"Thanks everyone, that's all for this meeting, and dont be embarrassed to get in touch with me regarding any work"

They promtly thanked her and left.

Sam was terribly missing her, his kitten was cruel is an understatement , he wanted her by his side but that cruel women is 4 floors away, how he fantasised working with her... (Umm.. More like getting distracted every other minute) his stupid brain taunted. So, he didn't even get to spend more time with his workaholic wife and he worked hard all his life, it was his time to cut some slack( more like make this branch go bankrupt) .. He loved her, he wanted her more than anything in this world. He thought this kind of cliché only exits in movies, who knew he was one of those love sick guys.

His day went ahead with 5 meetings and two new deals signed , everything was going well, but he can't wait anymore he need to see her.

Ammu, on other hand was engrossed In work she was head deep in the past meetings, projects, she was trying to come up with a new plan. When manasa ran through the door.

"Mam, CEO want to see you at lunch and discuss the future plans you have for this team, it seems it's really serious mam, because he mailed the future of this team depends on this lunch"

Ammu stopped herself from rolling her eyes

"Don't panic Ms. Chaturvedi, yours and all 2500 team peoples jobs are safe with me, and don't say a word about this meeting to anyone. I have a strong proposal prepared for the team, I will present it to the CEO"

"Okay mam, I will have get my notes ready so that we can go ahead with the meeting with CEO"

"No need Ms. Chaturvedi, I don't want you to spend your break working. Besides, I don't plan to reveal the proposal to anyone, no offence there till I know for sure what went wrong with team"

"None taken mam, when the past manager left, I wanted to figure out what went wrong too, it was indeed a sabotage, but none knew how, our rivals always had a bid more than us. And this team being responsible to develop new techniques to bring in investments and present all new solutions started incurring losess"

"Thanks for the breif manasa, now I do have a fair idea, how to handle this. "

She called her home up and informed Ms. Gargley to send lunch over, and walked towards CEOs office.

"I bet she will be fired soon" Merci, shril assistant spoke.

Shril laughed, even man couldn't stand her and had to leave, this woman won't stand a chance.

Sam was impatient, he was waiting, love does really screw a mans life. His wife was so considerate that the lunch came from house, his workaholic women had time call up for food.

But, food isn't important now.

Ammu walked into his office, before she could take in the view she was crushed into him, his hands found their was to her waist like they had their own brain. And he whispered into her ear.

"I missed you kittten"

Well.. Missed was she away for an year, fuck it's not even being a full day. Sameer makes her talk she is no more a introvert he gets on her nerves makes her spell words.

" Sameerr... Please... I thought you asked for proposal " She was nudging slightly on his shoulders.

But, before she could speak anything more sam bite her ear lobe, and licked it soothing her pain, a moan escaped her lips.. The feelings were confusing she was in Ecastacy and in pain at the same time.

"Sam   ... I am hungry" She was trying to distract him.

"And I am having my snack" Wrong line ammu

I know... I know.. It's late... I kinda met a writers block for sometime.. Although I have fair idea how to end this book and start it, it still takes sometime to figure out how to make plot more interesting, more readable, more intriguing. But here is longer chapter, hope I satisfied you this time. I am thinking about writing 3 or 4 chapters and publishing them at once, so you can have that yes I read feeling. Do tell me if it's a good idea? And sorry,  I would have cursed ( a little in my brain) for late update, it's really hard to put down interesting book and see the updates not coming along but well circumstances.


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