"This isn't funny you psychopaths!" Nancy yelled which caused Meredith to laugh even more

"I was folding some of the boy's clothes and packing them into the boxes for the move and I felt someone put their hand around my waist, but I knew it wasn't Derek because Derek puts his hands around my bump and he didn't so I knew it wasn't Derek and his hands were also cold and pale and they didn't feel comfortable or safe as Dereks do," Meredith said looking at Nancy then Derek

"You did what to my wife?" Derek said starting to get angry

"I didn't mean it like that" Daniel said as his face started to get scared

"Then how did you mean it?" Derek said standing in front of Daniel clearly much taller and stronger than Daniel was as Meredith looked at Lizzie and Amelia and started laughing quietly only making Nancy madder and madder.

"I-I" Daniel studded and was cut off by Derek's fist in his face

"DEREK!" Nancy yelled as Daniel dropped to the floor in pain and Nancy ran to him

"Okay, we are definitely coming over to you're guys place more often," Amelia said smiling

"Okay that's my cue," Meredith said as she got up and brought Derek into the kitchen and grabbed an ice pack and put it on his hand.

As Meredith was dabbing the ice pack onto Derek's hand he kept looking up and smirking at her

"Stop," Meredith said still looking at his fist

"Stop what?" Derek smirked

"Looking at me like that"

"Like what?" He said and stepped forwards

"Like you wanna have sex with me on the counter," she said she left the ice pack on his hand and went back to the freezer

"Well that is a memory I'm very fond of" he smiled at her as she turned around and glared at him and walked back into the living room

"Give this to him" Meredith whispered to Lizzie who was standing and smiling at Daniel who was still on the floor with Nancy crouched down next to him

"Why me" she chuckled

"Because he hates me I broke his finders and my husband broke his nose" Meredith whispered and handed Lizzie the ice pack

"Here you go buddy," Lizzie said as she threw the ice pack in Daniels's face

"He needed plastic surgery anyways" Amelia laughed

"How did you even break his fingers, mer?" Derek asked from the kitchen

"Yea, where'd you learn to do that" Lizzie asked

"It's something I thought myself when I was 9, you link your fingers with there's and then turn your hand up said down and push their fingers back and if you do it hard enough for long enough it'll break their fingers," Meredith said as she put the ice pack back on Derek's hand that he had taken off

"You taught yourself that when you were 9?!" Amelia asked

"Yea" Meredith shrugged

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