I am Tired....!!

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Was there really no one else ??

Something didn’t add up.

The next day, Arthit went through his daily routine, but he couldn’t get Kong’s words out of his head. He couldn’t shake the feeling, that when Kong said tired of sex.... he really meant tired of you.

Kong had said he still loved Arthit, and he sounded so sincere, Arthit couldn’t believe Kong had been faking the sentiment. That didn’t explain Kong’s new No Sex policy, though.

When he met Bright at the gym late that afternoon, he was a wreck.

"Hey, Bright...."

Arthit said, as Bright hopped on the seat next to him.

"What’s wrong ??"

"What do you mean ??"

"Arthit..... When you are in a bad mood, it’s like there is a black cloud of emo around you, and it brings everyone around you down too"

Arthit waited until they finished warming up before he answered Bright’s question. They were at the free weights because it was a tricep day. Arthit finished his first set of overhead extensions when he finally blurted it out.

"It’s P'Kong"

"Trouble in paradise ??"

Arthit shot a glare at Bright. Bright mouthed the word SORRY to him.

"He says he is tired of sex"

"Shit !!"

Bright said as he dropped his weight, narrowly missing his right foot.

"You can’t tell me something like that when I am lifting the weight"

"You asked....."

"Yeah, but I thought it was going to be something like...... Like He wants to adopt your first baby from China and You want one from Transylvania......"

"We are not having kids Bright !! Wait, Transylvania ?? Have you ever heard of anyone adopting a baby from Transylvania ??"

"I don’t remember...."

"Do you even know where Transylvania is ??"

"Of course, it’s in…..Siberia ??"

"Not even close. And Siberia is not a country"

"Really ??"

"Yeah really...."

Arthit said and laid back on the bench while Bright handed him some dumbbells, so he could start his French presses.

"He couldn't be cheating on me right ??"

He asked, after he finished his set.

"Are you kidding me ?? P'Kong is like a  complete gentleman. I can’t believe how you got him to fuck you..... without putting a ring on your finger first”

Arthit started laughing. Bright laughed with him too.

Arthit worked through another 10 reps..... silently, Bright was looking at him curiously when he sat up.

"What ??"

"We are going to spend the 'Friends Night' together..... You are too stressed up right now, you need to loosen up a bit"

"You mean by that.... to be drunk with you, right ??"

"Hell yeah..... Booze and music..... and we are not going to talk about P'Kong, the whole evening"

Christening The HouseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon