"Honestly that was awesome, why aren't more people talking about this film?"Diana asked as we walked out of the dark theatre.

"Because they don't know how to appreciate quality when they see it."I answered her.

"Well they are missing out, that movie was great and needs a lot more recognition than its getting."Diana argued.

"You're not wrong but let's not dwell on it too much. What do you want to do next? The night is still young?"I asked her.

"Bowling, let's go bowling."She replied excitedly.

"Have you ever gone bowling?"I inquired looking up the closest bowling alley from where we were.

"Once or twice, it was really fun and they have food courts."Diana said excitedly.

"So you're mostly going for the food."I teased.

"Yeah."Diana concurred with a nod.

"Well then, let's go, I found one near by if you're willing to walk."I informed her.

"No problem, got to make room for what I'm gonna eat next anyway."Diana replied taking my arm.

The chill night city air was fresh for once since it was the rainy season thus why Diana and I were bundled up in coats. Diana looked adorable in a white sweater dress accessorized with a gucci belt, a brown long coat and black boots.

"Aren't your legs cold?"I asked Diana since her coat only reached to her knees.

"No I'm fine, I'm used to it by now."She replied with a shrug.

I didn't comment further on it since it wasn't really my place to judge her fashion choice. She looked good and that's all that mattered to me.

We passed by a store window where we could see our reflections and I stopped. Diana was forced to stop too since our hands were linked together.

"What's wrong?"Diana asked looking up at me.

"Nothing just admiring how good we look together."I replied motioning towards our reflection on the window.

"Do I always look this tiny walking next to you?"Diana asked her gaze trained on our reflection.

"Yeah but it's not my fault you're so small."I replied wrapping my arms around her so her back was to my front.

I leaned my chin on top of her head because that's how short she was compared to me. She felt so warm in my arms I almost didn't want to move.

"Do you have a problem with our height difference?"I asked Diana knowing some girls didn't really like tall guys.

"Are you kidding? Of course not, it's one of the sexiest things about you."She replied turning around to look at me.

"So you think I'm sexy?"I teased with an eyebrow raised in question.

"Fishing for compliments are we?"Diana retorted.

"Humor me."

"Yes I think you're very sexy. I'm the envy of every girl since I'm in the company a handsome man like you."Diana admitted honestly.

"Thank you and I know for a fact that you are very beautiful, inside and out."I replied.

Our eyes met in that intimate moment and the air around us charged with the unspoken sexual tension between us. It was no secret that Diana and I were sexually attracted to each other but we had never done anything about it. We only held hands and hugged occasionally but nothing further. I wanted to do more with Diana but I also never wanted to push past her boundaries.

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