Chapter 22 (Take That, von Hasburgs)

Start from the beginning

"Why didn't you knock?"

"I thought you were still asleep, and I didn't want to wake you"

In the middle of their embarrassing conversation. They suddenly heard Subaru shouting from upstairs. He was agitated at Rem for waking him up to ask a question about the lizard people.

"Who's that upstairs?" Ram asked.

"It's probably Subaru. He and Rem arrived late last night while you were asleep" Reinhard said.

"Why is he causing disturbances this early in the morning?"

"I have no clue, but I am going to head back to bed for a bit," Reinhard said.

Ram began to walk upstairs to investigate the disturbance Subaru was causing. Reinhard went back to bed, and with his head cleared was able to finally fall asleep within minutes.

When Ram inched closer to the door Subaru and Rem were staying in. She became enraged when he overheard Subaru demanding that Rem stop waking him up and asking ridiculous questions that he couldn't answer.

Ram threw open the door and loudly scolded Subaru for how he was talking to Rem. After his scolding Subaru gave Rem an apology but still pleaded that she never again woke him up to ask questions on aliens or the lizard people.

Rem instantly forgave him and accepted his request of never waking him up to ask her many questions. Rem's curiosity always peaked in the early morning and late night.

The morning went on. Subaru spent the beginning of the day taking his family around the capital to check stuff out. Both of them couldn't even comprehend the magnificence of this civilization. Reinhard spent it catching up on his many hours of sleep he had missed the night before.

Going into the afternoon he finally woke up, and Naoko finally got the chance to meet him. She was quite impressed with the man Ram found herself. He was tall, very formal, and strong. All traits many women would die for. He definitely seemed more deserving of Ram, then Subaru did to Rem.

Reinhard also got introduced to the technology of a camera. He found it quite fascinating to see how it functioned. Never before had he seen something remotely like it.

Kenichi labeled Reinhard with the nickname of "Prince Charming '' because he looked and acted exactly like the formal knights shown in fairy tales.

Despite having the whole day. Subaru did not let Reinhard in on the two different world situations. He would rather wait until the time was right. He was also unsure if Reinhard would even believe him. Subaru didn't exactly have any evidence with him to prove what he was saying.

The time eventually arrived. The wedding was to take place somewhere else in the capital. When they arrived. Naoko wanted to do one quick thing, before Ram and Reinhard separated to get themselves prepared.

"Before you two part ways. Let's get one quick picture of you two together" Naoko said.

"Alright, it sounds good," Reinhard said.

"Great. Now just hug onto Ram, and lean down a bit. You are a lot taller than she is. Make sure to look into the lens and not into outer space"

Reinhard hesitated and Ram's expression grew uncomfortable at Naoko's request that he hug her for the photo.

"Are you sure that's necessary?" Ram asked.

"This is a wedding photo. You guys could at least do something sort of romantic. Are you two seriously uncomfortable about hugging each other?"

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