Chapter 22 (Take That, von Hasburgs)

Start from the beginning

"... Prince charming, who's that?"

"A very brave knight or something... Subaru also told us that Ram was participating in some type of election, to become the ruler of this kingdom. Is that really true?"

"True indeed, for the past couple months Ram had been participating in the royal election. She runs a moderate and mainly unbiased platform, which has given her some much needed popularity"

"What do you think the chances are of her actually becoming queen?"

"... We are too early in the election process to come down to a possible result. We still have three or two years of campaigning left to do. Anything could happen"

"Interesting stuff... I wish you guys luck. Since you're marrying her, wouldn't that make you the king if she gets elected?"

"That's a decision ultimately left up to her. I already hold a very important position in the Lugnican military, and my absence may cause complications"

"Are you like a highly skilled general?"

"I currently hold the highest position in the Lugnican army. Many consider me to be the strongest knight in Lugnica"

"That's quite the reputation you got there. What was the journey like to get yourself into the spot you're in now?"

"It's too long of a story, and it's not one I like to talk about... Anyways, why are you awake so early?"

"I found it hard to fall asleep after entering such a fascinating kingdom. Yesterday was by far the most fascinating day of my life. This place is just so cool, I just can't stop thinking about what else we can find around here"

"What do you find so interesting about Lugnica? Are you from around here?" Reinhard asked.

"Nope, we come from a place far far away... A certain place Subaru told us not to talk about to any of the locals, and I think that includes you unfortunately" Kenichi said.

Reinhard paused for a couple seconds trying to figure out a possible reason why Subaru was keeping his homeland such a big secret from him. While stuck in thought, he let out a giant yawn that caught Kenichi's attention.

"Are you still tired? You look pretty exhausted" Kenichi said.

"Yes, I am quite tired. I didn't get any sleep last night unfortunately. Just had some things on my mind"

"Well this is quite a big day for you. I can only recommend you get some sort of sleep. We don't want you to fall asleep during the big occasion"

"You're right. I will be heading back to bed now. If everybody is up before me, feel free to have breakfast without me. Can I trust you to overlay?"

"Yup, you can trust me. Just make sure to get some shut eye"

Reinhard walked out of the dining room to return to bed. When he arrived at the bedroom. He gently opened the door, and noticed that Ram's side of the bed was empty. Looking over to his right, he was greeted by a sight he had only seen once before.

"Don't come in yet! I am in the middle of changing!" Ram yelled out.

Reinhard immediately slammed the door shut, and bashed his head against the wall feeling the giant surge of embarrassment wash over him.

He couldn't believe he had let an incident like this happen a second time. After a couple minutes Ram opened the door and walked out looking and feeling very embarrassed.

Ram let out a sigh. "How much did you see?"

"... Not much. I only got a slight glimpse. I am very sorry. I didn't mean to walk in on you"

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