Timer Part 22

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I'm sorry its not a lot, the brain cell I've been living off of for the past year has decided to go on vacation. Again, I'm really sorry. But, I'm also working on a new UnderTale au story. All I'm gonna say about it is 'Glitchy'. 

Azriel POV:
"Where are we?" I ask quietly

"I- I think I recognize this place," Solika says

Around us is an odd substance that feels weird under my feet. I want to find a surface where it isn't and rub it off while at the same time I want to sit down and cover myself head to toe in it. What an odd feeling,

"This looks like the beach by Grandpa's house, but it can't be.." Solika says muttering to herself

"Azriel?" Asks "You're still alive?"

"Yeah," I nod

"We're on the surface Az." Frisk says excitement creeping into her voice,

"Really?!" I ask, feeling excited as well. "I cant-"

"Guys," Solika says interrupting our excitement "There's a human over there." She points over to the left and we follow her finger to a man lying on the ground presumably sleeping.

"Let's go ask him if he could help us." Frisk says leading us over to the man, "Excuse me?" She pokes him on the shoulder but he doesn't wake up. After many failed attempts to wake him up she tried the way me and Chara used to do when we'd wake Sans up; tapping him on the shoulder a number of times before whispering in his ear, that furiated Sans but we thought it was hilarious.

I sigh I wish Sans were here, he misses the surface more than any monster I know

"Aagh!" The human wakes up with a start, much like Sans did, "Who-?" He pauses, looking at us.

"Hello!" Frisk says "My name is Frisk and that's Solika and Azriel, could you please tell us where we are?"

"I would if I could." He says, his voice tired and worn out like an old mans. "But I just arrived here the other night and I have no idea either." He looks at me with a sad smile "Nice ta meetcha, the names Sans,"

"Sans?!" Frisk asks, taking a step back from him.

"Yeah?" He says slowly "Is there a problem with my name?"

"No sir," I say quickly "We have a friend named Sans the Frisk doesn't particularly like. But you're not him."

"Yeah," Sans nods, pain and guilt easily seen in his blue eyes. "Well I know someone who may be able to help you but I can't go back right now. I just left and it'd seem rude if I left and then came back with three lost children right after asking for assistance after turning them down right before." He sighs "The night will be here soon. Go find someone to take you in, please it's not safe out here at night."

For someone who just met us and only knows our names he seem s to care for us quite a bit.

"Okay, thank you sir, sorry for waking you up." Solika smiles, leading us to a ramp not too far away. "Follow me." She leads us to a little building with tables and chairs set up outside, music playing in a weird language I don't recognize.

"Excuse me?" She asks, walking up to a lady in an orange apron, "Do you think you could help us?"

"Sure sweetie." She says bending down "What's the problem dear?"

"Me and my friends got lost, mom let us go outside and-" She starts to tear up "W-we got lost!" She cries.

It pulls my heart seeing Solika cry. I haven't seen her cry at all yet and its weird, even if shes faking it its really believable.

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