Timer Part 16

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"Is he okay?"

"Who is he?"

"Where'd he come from?"

"He fell out of the sky."

I groan and the voices go silent. "Hello?" One of them asks and I open my eyes, shocked to find four pairs of human eyes staring at me.

"Gah!" I scramble back, hitting my head against a wall.

"Whoa! Calm down dude!" One of the humans reaches over and puts a hand on my shoulder. "You're safe." I look at the four of them, silently freaking out."

"Are you alright?" One of them asks. I just stare at them in shocked confusion.

"W-where am I?" I ask. They look at me confused.

"I don't think he speaks English." Says one.

"No way, really?" Says another sarcastically.

"Can we at least introduce ourselves?" Asks another, sounding annoyed.

"Sure." Says the first.

"Hey," The one who still hasn't taken their hand off of my shoulder yet says. "My name is Alexander, but you can call me Al."

"I'm Susie." Says the one who had said I don't speak English.

"I'm Jacob." Says the sarcastic one.

"And I'm Ty." Says the one who wanted to introduce themselves.

"Do you understand us?" Al asks. Slowly I nod my head. "Great! Come. We need to get you to Mr Lazar." The four stand up and Al lends me his hand. I take it and nearly fall back in shock when I see my hand isn't bone anymore but the color of pale human flesh. "Whoa!" He grabs my hand with both of his and hoists me up.

Apparently 'Mr Lazar' is 'the-best-teacher-in-the-whole-academic-world-of-teachers'. Quoted word for word by Jacob.

I'm led down one identical hallway after the other before finally stopping in front of a door.

"Mr Lazar?" Al calls knocking on the door.

"Come in." A friendly voice calls and Al opens the door. A man in his late twenties or early thirties is sitting at a desk with cropped salt and pepper hair, curious brown eyes and a smirk that tells you he probably throws parties all day in class and lets the kids eat during lectures. 

"What's the problem Mr Al?" He asks.

"Well.." Al tells Mr Lazar how I came falling out of the sky and that I need help. -Even though I don't and I never asked for any.-

"Hmm." Mr Lazar says when Al's done talking. "Boy who fell, come here." I step around Al, so I'm standing in the doorway of the office. "Al, Jacob, Suzie, Ty go to your classes. The bell rang three minutes ago. Take and pass."

Giddily the four each take a small slip of paper from the desk, leaving in a hurry to get to class.

"Come in boy." Mr Lazar says and I enter the room, closing the door behind me. "So." He says once I'd taken a seat opposite him -despite me refusing-. "How'd you get here?"

"Al told you." I say.

"Those four exaggerate quite a lot so I want the real story."

"I can't remember.." I admit. "I just remember waking up to them staring at me."

"Do you remember anything from before?" He asks.

Immediately the Resets pop up in my mind but I push it back down. "No sir. All I remember is my own personal information."

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