Timer Part 9

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"Aww," Blue complains. "That's it?"


"Nope!" Ink cuts me off. "I have a feeling there's a little more you're determining whether you should say or not, and I vote yes."

Sighing, I continue. "When my AU was first created I knew everything that I needed to know. Like, let's say the Resets. Even though it had never happened before that time when the first one happened I just knew what was going on and how to deal with it. Another example is my watch with the weird hands. I knew it was a watch, what it does, and how it works the second I saw it even though we were newly created and only just starting to learn everything. That's all," I look up to see Ink scribbling away on a notepad. "Um.. can we leave now?"

"Nope!" Blue says happily. "Now we know about everyone's AUs, it's time for tacos!"

"Uh, no thanks." I say teleporting back to my room, I'm about to sit down when I have a genius idea. I find a sheet of paper and a pencil and start writing. When I'm satisfied I teleport to Inks room leaving the note on his bed before teleporting back to my own.

Hours pass of me taking apart and putting back together the same watch -I'd never admit this out loud but it does get boring after a while- This watch needs a new design I sigh. As if he can read my mind, just then someone knocks on my door.

"Timer?" Ink calls "May I come in?"

"So," Ink says sitting on my bed. "Hold on a sec, I just realized how plain and boring I left your room. Would you like me to decorate it?"

I shrug, "I don't care, if you want to you could."

"Ooh, really?"

"As long as you don't go overboard and it consists of shades of green such as Fern, Seaweed and Forest Green then sure - but not those colors."

"Okay," Ink says pulling out a notebook from nowhere,

"So then what colors?"

"Emerald Green, Forest Green and black and if the desk, dresser and bed frame can be changed then please, actually I've realized I do have some ideas."

"Let's hear," Ink says, five minutes later we were ready. Ink studies the notepad before closing his eyes and everything disappears leaving all of my belongings floating in the air before something replaces it and color starts leaking into my boring white room.

"Not gonna lie, this is one of the nicest rooms I've ever done or seen." Ink says quietly as I get up to look around. My old bed which was low to the floor is swapped with a bunk bed. But instead of the bottom bunk being a bed it's a desk which I'll be using as my work space. The requested wood, gears, tools, anything you can imagine to make clocks sits in bags and boxes on the floor nearby desk for me to separate and sort. We got rid of the nightstand and everything that was on it was moved to a new table/dresser. The white walls now a gleaming Emerald green and my bed frame black.

The linen on my bed is a pale dusty green with white pillows. No way up to the top bunk is visible as I had requested, and like ten paint buckets with greens and black in them line the wall neatly with a box of every size paint brush. I thank Ink and he leaves, locking the door behind him before closing the door. I go over to the paint getting ready to start working.

I'm not sure how many days passed before I was annoyed into letting Error in my room. "Hey Tim-mer!" They say walking in, looking around. "Ooh, I-I-I like it!" "Thank Error," I say. "Do you need anything?" "No. The oth-thers made a bet v-volun-t-t-teering me to come see how long it t-t-t-takes before I annoy you into letting me in your ro-oom.

"Good for you, now leave."

"K-kay.'' They say glitching out of my room. I lock the door before picking up a paintbrush with Fern green paint on it, continuing the picture on my wall.

Constantly the Star Sanses knock on my door trying to get me to come out but are never successful. Talking, laughter and arguing can be heard from the rooms around mine, my room being on the same floor as Classic, the Star Sanses, the Bad Sanses, Geno, Reaper, and Fresh. The weeks pass and my room becomes more and more decorative and Timer-like. I finish making the design on the walls and begin lining all the edges of my bed frame with neon green glow-in-the-dark paint. Eventually I ran out of the pills for my headaches and I had to spend most of my days curled up in a ball of pain.

Nightmare POV:
As always whenever I pass Timers room a wave of negativity hits me, almost nauseating. Who knew someone can hold so much negativity?

"Boss?" Cross calls from Dreams room across from Timers. "We could use a little help." Sighing I push open the door to my brothers too bright and cheery room to find Ink, Blue, and Cross standing next to Dreams bed. "I know you two hate each other but you are the only one who knows what's happening and what to do." Cross says getting up to walk out.

"Alright. Ink, Blue please leave." I sigh and the two leave, closing the door behind them. "Okay Dream." I sigh. "I know it's a lot of negativity and it makes you sick but maybe you should move to a different room for now? Preferably on the fifth floor, which is a safe distance from Timer's room." I walk over to next to his bed, picking him up, I teleport us to the library, setting him down on one of the bean bags gently.

"There, now you should be fine. Problem solved."

"Night.." Dream whimpers, "It- that isn't regular negativity.." He whispers.

"What the hell does that mean?" I ask.

"Like.. he was in pain, or is in pain.. it's like.. how he felt every time somebody asked him about Resets.. something isn't right, we need to check on him." He sits up looking at me with a determined look in his eyes.

"Uh oh.. I know that look.. Dream, for the love of apples please don't go into Timers room, it could shatter you." I shudder at the memory of Dreams corrupted opposite Shattered. Such a vile creature.

"Aww does Nighty care?" He asks. "And while I want to, I won't. But you will." He says smiling at me in the way I hate so very much.

"Don't have a choice do I?"

"Nope." He stands up dragging me down to Timers door, staggering a little as we reach his door.

"I'll do this," I tell him. "Go somewhere that's at least two floors away from Timers room, okay? But preferably five." Nodding he trudges off.

"Timer." I call testing the door handle. Its unlocked? That's not normal, is he in here? I wonder just then a loud moan of pain slips out from under the door answering my unspoken thoughts. "Timer, I'm coming in," I call, twisting the door, walking in to see a terrible sight.

Word Count: 1225

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