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„...I did an EEG Test short for electroencephalogram. In this Test I had to attach electrodes to auroras scalp. The electrodes recorded the electrical activity of auroras brain, I'm sorry to say that but it turns out that Aurora has epilepsy" she described sadly.


There was a long silent

„Wha- how- I- no!" I hyperventilated

„Aurora, breath, everything is gonna be okay, with the right medicine nothing will happen" Emilio said while hugging me

„Yes, you can prevent the seizures" she said

„Will this affect my life? What will happen to me?" I asked slowly

„...well, most people with epilepsy live a full healthy life. However you should be aware that people can die from epilepsy. Some people may lose there lives from accidents,suicide or the underlying cause of their condition, such as Brain Tumors or infections, SUDEP is the sudden death from epilepsy called, you can die but it is very very rare. You have to take medication every day to prevent the seizures" she explained

Shit, okay didn't expect that

"There are a few things that you should avoid, such as
1.missing medication doses
2.heavy alcohol use
3.cocaine, ecstasy or other illegal drugs
4.Lack of sleep" she listed

I took a shaky breath and turned to my family. They all looked speechless. Mom walked to me and hugged me while whispering things such as

"Everything's gonna be okay"
"You can do it"
"I love you"
"We are here for you"
"You are everything to me"

Not gonna lie this brought warmth to my heart.
To hear that someone cares

"Now to the body check..."

Oh shit
Forgot about that

"I'm gonna Beginn with her head.
There were scars from cuts, I also discovered a big scar on the left side of her head from 2 head lacerations, probably contributed to her having epilepsy now.
On her right shoulder there are many stab wound scars and on her left 2 bullet wounds....
She also had a broken finger, probably 3 years old, I don't know how she didn't feel that, a broken bone is really painful. On her back were scarred wounds from whipping, on her stomach bullet wounds, stab wounds and cigaret burns, she also had 2 ribs broken.
On her legs were several old bruises." She said with pity before walking away to give us some privacy

I hate it

I looked down in shame, to scared to look my family in the eyes

There was a long silence

Suddenly I was engulfed in hugs from all of them

"Everything is gonna be okay"

"We are here for you"

"We love you"

"You are not alone"

"You can talk to us"

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