Xi Ze picked up the cooking wine and poured some inside. Ming Xiaoyu was extremely thrilled to find that—

The pan was on fire!

…Ming Xiaoyu’s cooking ability might be ordinary, but he still knew it was easy to put alcohol in a pan. The combination of alcohol and fire and could make meat more delicious and authentic. However, this was just a theory. In both his lifetimes, Ming Xiaoyu had never seen any friend do it!

How could he imagine that this man had such good cooking skills?

It couldn’t be!

This was Xi Ze!

Xi Ze’s cooking was delicious? Ming Xiaoyu now believed it.

Once the crystal shrimp was done, Ming Xiaoyu had already removed the expression of astonishment on his face. He calmly helped Xi Ze by passing over bowls and dishes… Yes, this was the only help he could give in the kitchen.

“Aren’t you surprised?” Xi Ze asked calmly while holding white soy sauce.

Ming Xiaoyu smiled slightly and nodded. “Yes, I’m not surprised.”

How could he not be surprised?

Ming Xiaoyu saw the man pick up a carrot and small kitchen knife, carving a lifelike flower. The surprise turned to numbness as Ming Yu realized. Xi Ze really had cooked for him when he was sick.

Ming Xiaoyu thought of this and couldn’t help asking curiously, “Don’t you have a serious obsession with cleanliness?”

Xi Ze placed the crystal shrimp on the plate and said casually, “You and I are the only ones eating what I cook.”

The man’s face was calm with no ups and downs, as if he really was speaking casually without any other meaning. However, Ming Yu was slightly startled. At this moment, Ming Yu felt the intoxication from lunch once again hit his brain.

Ming Yu’s lips curves and he felt like laughing as he looked at the man’s tall, upright back. He finally gave a low chuckle and didn’t answer.

Zhao Rui said that Ming Yu’s female skills were top notch?

Ming Xiaoyu felt that he was a novice compared to this man.

—Ah Ming Xiaoyu, don’t you know Xi Ze? He only uses this skill on one person. It might be hard to believe, but this is the small mushroom skill!

There were only four dishes. However, they were as exquisite as those from the best restaurants. The braised lion’s head was rich in sauce and savoury. The excellent taste could be felt just by looking at it. The crystal shrimp was fresh and bright, with some green leaves used ( Ming Xiaoyu didn’t really know these types of things ). The green leaves were placed around the plate, highlighting the shrimp like stars around the moon.

In addition to being fragrant and tasty, Xi Ze’s dishes also had impeccable visual beauty.

If Ming Yu was holding a measuring tape, he would find that all the leaves on the plate were placed at a fixed distance, with the maximum error margin being no more than 3mm. In addition to the man’s paranoia, this type of placement suited his aesthetic requirements.

Since this arrangement was the most beautiful, it had to be done.

Ming Xiaoyu ate the dishes while full of thoughts. His ‘I can’t give into evil forces, calm down’ slowly became ‘How can this dish be so delicious?’. In the end, it changed to the grief-filled ‘No, how can it be gone? I can still eat 10 bowls of rice.’

Xi Ze didn’t move his chopsticks. He ate two random mouthfuls before putting them down on the white porcelain bowl. He crossed his hands, gently supported his chin and stared at the youth with a light smile.

Once Ming Yu was full, Xi Ze laughed at his satisfied appearance and couldn’t help laughing. Then he asked, “Now that you have eaten, do you want to go see my gift?”

Ming Yu jerked and responded after a few moments, “Your gift isn’t this meal?”

Xi Ze raised an eyebrow. “You don’t want another gift?”

Ming Xiaoyu immediately shook his head. “Go, I want to see your gift!”

Xi Ze was almost empty handed. He didn’t bring anything except the big bag of ingredients. Therefore, Ming Yu followed him into the elevator, intending to go to Xi Ze’s apartment to see the so-called gift.

A long time ago, Xi Ze told Ming Yu that his apartment was on the top floor of this building. He didn’t say that his apartment was on the top floor, but that the entire top floor was his apartment.

The house was as clean, simple and stylish as Ming Yu once envisioned.

There were only three colours in the whole house: black, white and blue. The luxurious and sophisticated black, the concise and pure white and the charming blue, these three colours merged together to form a wonderful visual effect. Of course, the main colours were black and white, with only a handful of blue tones scattered in between to play the role of icing on the cake.

“Come to the cloakroom.”

Xi Ze didn’t disturb him while Ming Yu was looking around the house. But once he saw the youth’s failure to take another step, Xi Ze immediately laughed, took the youth’s hand and walked towards a room.

Once the door was opened, Ming Yu was completely startled.

Don’t talk about just the fashion industry. Many outsiders and ordinary people wanted to design a cloakroom or dressing room like this. In his last life, Ming Yu’s cloakroom contained various clothing, watches, perfumes and shoes that he obtained since his debut. It was a dazzling sight and his friends once praised it as a ‘fashion paradise.’

In this life, the Muse apartment was too small and Ming Yu didn’t design a cloakroom. But the new place he bought was being renovated. After he moved in, there would be a big cloakroom waiting for him.

Ming Xiaoyu was very confident of his future and designed the cloakroom to be very large. He thought he wouldn’t need to change it for at least five years. However, it was just a drop in a bucket compared with the cloakroom in front of him.

This cloakroom had two floors. Ming Yu hadn’t noticed that there was a loft on the top floor of the Muse apartment building. The loft was directly above the designed cloakroom, creating a two-storey design.

On the left side of the cloakroom, all of the men’s high fashion clothing was arranged. On the right side of the cloakroom, there were men’s jackets, ranging from elegant suit jackets to long trench coats, arranged in their respective order. Ming Yu’s eyes widened at the sight and he didn’t know how to react.

The three large glass cabinets in the centre of the room contained watches, collar clips and cuffs. On the opposite wall was a full row of shoes, from leather shoes to leather boots, the elegant leather shining under the bright lights.

But seeing this, Ming Yu suddenly thought about something. “I remember, this isn’t your main house?”

Xi Ze nodded. “Yes, it is a set.”

Ming Xiaoyu asked, “Then in your other house, there is a cloakroom like this?”

Xi Ze smiled at the ‘You don’t have to say it or I will kill you on behalf of the readers’ Ming Xiaoyu and nodded, “Well, basically. The room in the villa is a little bigger than this.”

Ming Xiaoyu, “…(┙>∧<)┙へ┻┻”

He really wanted to represent the people and wipe out these wicked rich people!

Since Xi Ze brought Ming Yu upstairs, he naturally had a gift for him. This gift wasn’t just a good meal.

Ming Yu was stunned when he saw the beautiful clothing, turning to look at Xi Ze with a questioning gaze. Xi Ze nodded in confirmation and said, “I am giving this high-end set to you.”

After a pause, he added, “I had some inspiration since I drew you. Thus, I made two sets of clothing, one male and one female. Maybe you can see it in the next Ji and Ya high-end fashion show.”


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