As a result, the two people were ‘ghostly’ silent. After a while, Ming Yu took the initiative to cook Xi Ze a bowl of noodles (yes, not instant noodles! A real bowl of noodles!). In this period of time, Ming Xiaoyu’s cooking had greatly improved. His fans had long been unable to stand their god ‘can’t even make tomato scrambled eggs.’ Thus, in one part of his Muse official forum, there was a red post that was never allowed to sink—

[365 days, I call Ming Xiaoyu to eat this!]

Every day, there were caring fans who would post their cooking recipes, including details of what to pay attention to. At first, they just wanted Ming Xiaoyu to stop eating nonsense like his tomato scrambled eggs. But slowly, more fans who loved to cook came together and threw Ming Xiaoyu to the side… cough, it became a group to exchange their cooking experience.

Even so, Ming Yu learned something from it. He couldn’t cook braised lion head (stewed meatballs) or boiled meat, but wasn’t a bowl of noodles okay? Just sprinkle some green onion and pepper, pour the sesame oil and pull out a bow of fragrant yang chun noodles.

Xi Ze was surprised when he saw this bowl of noodles. It was a world of difference compared to the instant noodles from New Year’s Eve!

As if he sensed the other person’s surprise, Ming Xiaoyu put on a calm demeanor and said, “It is too bad I am busy today. Otherwise, I could cook braised lion’s head, boiled meat, crystal shrimp or sweet and sour pork.”

Xi Ze calmly replied, “Oh?” I remember that you still owe a favour?”

Ming Yu was surprised at the words. A hint of a bad feeling flashed through his head.

He could only listen as Xi Ze said, “Then you should cook braised lion’s head, boiled meat, crystal shrimp and sweet and sour pork for me. Then I will consider this favour returned.”

Ming Xiaoyu, “…(┙>∧<)┙へ┻┻”

Alas, why did he say those words?

He wasn’t an upright person and was hit by thunder!

Ming Xiaoyu, how could you say such narcissitic things?

Things were settled for the moment, so Ming Yu and Xi Ze sat the table eating the noodles. It was slippery but both people didn’t make a sound. Xi Ze was always elegant and calm, so it was impossible for him to make sound when eating. On the other side, Ming Xiaoyu looked at the script and only ate a few handfuls as he occasionally picked up the pend to write something.

The fourth time this happened, Xi Ze gently put down the chopsticks and sighed. “If you use the feelings that I just showed, there should be no problem.”

Ming Yu shook his head because he was very self-aware. “You don’t understand my acting. If I don’t carefully figure out every detail, there might be a problem.”

Xi Ze, “…”

I just want to have a quiet meal with you…

Since the meal couldn’t continue, Xi Ze chose to stand up and go to Ming Yu in order to give some advice. As he walked, he said, “You should pay attention to your eyes and the movement of the corners of your mouth. When saying the lines just now…the…”

Ming Xiaoyu raised his head, “(⊙?⊙)” Why wasn’t he saying anything?

Xi Ze, “…!!!”

What is with these words? No… they weren’t words!!

In the clean notebook, seven or eight earthworm-like characters unexpectedly appeared. These characters! It was like a knife. The visual was enough to cause shock!

Even the calm Xi Ze was petrified in place!

A long time passed and Ming Xiaoyu’s face was like “( ̄o ̄)”. Xi Ze finally recovered from seeing this handwriting. He turned to look at the young man next to him. He wanted to speak, but it was like he couldn’t find an exit or know where to start.

…It was too much, Xi Ze couldn’t understand it, let alone the readers.

Before he saw Ming Yu’s writing, he didn’t think the youth would write…such…earth-shattering characters.

Xi Ze secretly looked at the five year contract signed by Ming Yu and saw the youth’s signature. The signature wasn’t pretty, but it could be considered serious and average.

Later, Ming Yu’s signature became more elegant. Like Fei Sixin said, Ming Xiaoyu’s signature was really good looking, he had certainly received professional training and practiced the signature.

Fei Sixin’s guess was right.

In Ming Yu’s precious life, the industry didn’t pay attention to the models’ manners, but a signature was something that was often required. Ming Xiaoyu thought his words were straight edged and big, but his agent made an unspeakable expression and invited a special calligraphy master to design ‘Ming Yu’s’ signature. Then he was forced to practice it for several months before obtaining such a cloud-like signature.

In other words… the agent thought it was too helpless ╮(╯_╰)╭. Xi Ze stared at Ming Yu for a long time and suddenly asked, “Your signature doesn’t look like this?”

Ming Xiaoyu, “…Ah?”

Xi Ze demanded. “Sign your name for me. It shouldn’t be what I remember.”

Before the Ji and Ya fashion show, Ming Yu had left his name on the signature wall. Many models and actors practiced their signature after their debut, so when Xi Ze saw his signature, it wasn’t strange that he thought ‘Why is it different from the contract three years ago?’

His muse, he was really good in every aspect. Oh, apart from acting.

And now…

Ming Yu placed his pen on top of the notebook and wrote out a fierce and sharp ‘Ming Yu’, looking exactly the same as the signature on the wall.

Xi Ze, “…”

Was this the legendary ‘golden on the outside, shabby on the inside?’….


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