Ming Yu, “…”

It had been five minutes but he only reacted now…

Zhao Rui, “Three days without a beating and a child will scale the roof to rip out the tiles!”

( Note: Idiom meaning that not hitting the child will spoil them. )

“No, quickly let me flick you back!”

Ming Yu, “…”

So childish!

After a long exchange of words, Ming Yu helplessly bowed his head and let Zhao Rui be satisfied. However, it wasn’t long before it was time for Ming Yu’s make-up. The contract signing gave him second-tier treatment, but Ming Yu didn’t receive special treatment at Zhao Rui’s suggestion. Therefore, his make-up was done in a large dressing room with many third-tier makeup.

There were too many models so for the fashion show with the theme of ‘Grey Blue Underground River’, the make-up artists didn’t individually design each mode’s make-up. They did a generic smoky make-up. However, a male make-up artist looked at Ming Yu and made a difficult decision.

The corner of the youth’s eyes were long and slightly hooked. However, the eyes were a clear light amber colour. The face was small with exquisite facial features, very three dimensional. In addition, the skin was smooth and delicate, white and soft. No matter who saw it, this was a face that was very good for make-up. However…

The make-up artist, Xiao Chen looked at Ming Yu’s face for a long time before sighing. “Are you Ming Yu? Using smoky make-up on your face will be a little… Do you want me to give you a more neutral look?”

Yes, this face was originally very neutral. It might not be as feminine as Liu Qian’s, but it was still exquisitely beautiful. Xiao Chen saw that if he gave the neutral model the smoky make-up, in addition to the very good temperament, most people would get the impression of a sinister female ghost!

In Xiao Chen’s opinion, this small model wouldn’t be able to control his neutral feeling if he was given smoky make-up. He might as well give the model more elegant and lighter make-up.

Ming Yu only had to think for a moment before understanding Xiao Chen’s words. He gently shook his head and said in a calm tone, “No thank you. I should look like the other models to maintain integrity.”

Since the other party said so, Xiao Chen had to accept his opinion.

The light black rabbit hair brush gently moved over the youth’s eyebrows. The thin black line softened the corner of his eyes, gradually changing the shape of his eyes.

Ming Yu originally had a type of peach blossom eyes, but now his eyes became larger and the corners more narrow.

Many people thought that the foundation of the make-up determined if it would pass or not. Eye make-up often decided whether this make-up could get high scores, or even full marks.

Xiao Chen who Pei Feng invited today was just an ordinary make-up artist, his standards weren’t high. But this time, he actually felt something from a make-up!

Originally, the enchanting hook at the corner of the eye should give off a seductive feeling. However, the youth’s calm aura made this disappear. Obviously, the youth had plump and seductive lips that tempted people, but his calmness suppressed it. He gave off an overall air of indifference.

‘Grey Blue Underground River.’ The theme looked complicated but it was actually very simple.

‘Grey Blue’ referred to the main colours of the fashion show, while ‘Underground River’ referred to the fashion show’s overall sense.

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