Chapter 55

157 5 4

May 1918


Its terribly chilly in here even though its hot outside. We are now at Mama and Papa's room waiting for the rest to arrive. Papa is walking around impatiently while Maria tries to calm Mama down by reading her a book. I rested my head in the armchair trying to keep myself up because last night i barely got any sleep.

I was about to fall asleep until i heard footsteps running to here. My eyes opened wide when my sister's and Alexei barged in the room. I stood up and hugged Olga first tightly. The Romanov Family is finally united together.

"I have missed all of you" Maria smiles.

"Me too but why are the windows whitewashed?" Anastasia questions.

"Listen-" i was cut off by an officer barging in the door.

"This is a prison not one of your beloved palaces" he said coldly as he drank his beer as he left with a glare and shut the doors aggressively.

"If we listen and follow to the rules the there would be no problem" Papa looks at me. I knew what he was talking about. I was the cause of problem on anything. "Understood Sofia?" He raises his eyebrows.

"What happened again?" Olga looks at me.

"Oh well she nearly got herself killed by shouting and glaring at the officers outside" Maria says. I kept my head low.

"Well it was also an act of self defense because she told me the men tried to touch her" Mama defended.

"Oh well that is an exception" Olga shut downed the intimating stare.

"Why dont you two just show your sisters your room, me and your Mama just need to talk" He orders. We helped them carry their stuff and leaded them to our room.

"Even the windows here are painted white?" Anastasia shrugged.

"Anastasia!" Tatiana glares.

"Some of the officers here are quite nice" Maria chuckles.

"Yes and she likes one of them" i said.

"No i dont!" Maria defends herself.

"Oh yes you do" i smirked.

"Are you just mimicking what we look like when you receive a letter just from anyone?" Maria changes the subject.

"Exactly now you know how it feels like" i stopped smirking and sat on my bed.

"Anything fun to do here?" Olga casually asks.

"No not really we spend time playing chess everyday" Maria says as she sat next to me.

"And walking outside with Papa or reading in the balcony with Mama" i added.

"And also no closing doors at night" Maria says.

"What!?" Tatiana exclaims.

"Thats harrasment! Especially we are young ladies!" Olga added.

"Oh well we can't do anything about it rules are rules" I said.

"And also you can't go to the bathrooms without permission from the officers" I added.

"This house is insane!" Anastasia exclaimed.

"Thats why we need to follow them so we can not get harmed by any of them" Maria says.

"Is there something we could even do?" Olga sighed.

"Walk outside, play chess, knit, read and basically do the same things over and over again" I said.

Olga sighed heavily as she tried to peek out the window. "Anything?" Anastasia says. "Nope nothing everything blocked" She sighed heavily again.

"Are the jewels still with you?" I muttered. They nodded their head. "Good"

I entered the kitchen and find something to eat because im starving. "Wash the dishes" The officer says coldly as he lit up a cigarette.

"What?" I stopped looking and turned around.

"Wash. The. Di-i-ishes." This time with demand. I held back an eye roll and started to wash the dishes as the officer watches me while blowing his cigarette.

"It must be nice and sparkly and shiny i dont want to see a single dirt in one of those plates" he demanded.

I finished washing the dishes. I flicked my hands at the sink and wiped it in my dress. "Anything else?" I sighed.

"No more for now" he answered as he walked away.

I walked back to our room and dropped down at my bed and sighed heavily.

"Why on earth are you so wet?" Olga seats next to me.

"I washed the dishes" i say sitting up.

"Well go change" Olga suggests.

"How?" I raised my eyebrows at her.

"You duck down and change" she smiles.

I nodded my head and grabbed a white blouse and a long red skirt and ducked down in my bed. Oh Olga i dont know how will i do this.

My favourite color is red, what's yours? I hand painted some of my photos red because that was the color of my outfit i was wearing hehe.

I finished changing successfully. I rose up and bumped my head. Anastasia bursted laughing at me. I rolled my eyes and sat in my bed fixing my shoe until an officer stands and watches us.

"Leave now" I ordered as i shot him a glare.

"Listen if you want to die then just tell me i'll gladly do it especially infront of your beloved sister's" He loaded his gun and pointed it to me.

"Hmm, just wait i'll tell you when" i winked. "Now can you please leave?" I said in the most respectful way possible.

"What the hell Sofia?" Olga glared at me. I said nothing.

"Hey!" She shouts. I look at her.

"Stop being a rebel! Dont you understand? We. Dont. Want. You. To. Be. In. Danger! Or get killed! Get that thing inside your mind!" She screams.

I kept my head low and looked at my hands. "Sorry".

Olga sighed. "Okay just please PLEASE dont do it ever again" she walks back to her table and starts reading.

I layed back down in my bed and took a little nap before dinner.

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