Chapter 34

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Photo: Tatiana Nikolaevna with her Mother 1914 (?)

February 1914

We are in the balcony having breakfast with Olga,Maria, Anastasia and Alexei. Tatiana contracted Typhoid fever and has been kept in a separated room from us. Mama nurses her since the day she was sick. Later im going to visit Tatiana if Mama and Papa allows me too its been quite boring in our room without her.

We finished eating breakfast i asked Mama if i can visit Tatiana and thankfully she said yes.

I headed to her sick room and knocked on the door's before coming in. Tatiana looked so ill and pale and weak, poor her. I headed and sat next to her and putted my hand on hers. "How are you my dear Tatya?" I asked rubbing her hand "Sick, but feeling a little bit better" She answered in a weak tone "I pray to God that you'll get better soon" i smiled. "I pray to God as well" she said as she gave me a crooked smile.

I left Tatiana's sick room and headed to our room and sat by the window and grabbed my journal and remembered about what Andrei said in 1913 about the war in August. Its February but we'll see if its true because if its not im going to be the one haunting him in the afterlife. Vicky is playing with Shvibzik outside our window, i took some pictures of it and putted it in my new 1914 album.

Olga barged in the door and sat next to the window while reading a book. We sat in silence doing our work. "How's Tanushka?" Olga asked out of the blue "She said she's feeling a little better now" i answered "That's good" Olga say's fiddling with her ring.

"Do you want some tea?" Olga offered pouring some tea to her cup "Yes please" i answered. Olga handed me a cup of tea and continued reading her book.

I headed to the library and started reading a new book. What are the things you always wonder? Well me i wonder how boys take a poo but let's not put that here right now. Another thing i wonder is what the outside world is like during this time. Pretty sure many things have changed or many things have been invented. We always do the same things everyday, wake up, fixing our bed, eating and needlework, thats it.

Well i have to go now since im getting hungry again. Was nice talking to you fellow reader! Hoping to talk with you again, i hope you stay with me in my journey with my family. Also remember to drink water and eat and that you are very much loved! Bye bye for now see you around the Palace halls! -Love: Sofia Nikolaevna💗

Apologies for this short chapter this is just a gentle reminder from Duchess Sofia. Once again see you around the Palace halls!


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