Chapter 21

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Photo: Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova 1910

10 November 1910
We said our goodbyes to our German relatives. Mama's health is better and Alyosha can walk now. I placed Sony on a puppy basket that was given by Alexei for the little dog. We rode a carriage and drove to the Standart. There was another camera filming us, I smiled at it and showed Sony in the camera. The carriage drove off i flinched because i was unprepared.

We made it in the Standart we waved at the people and followed Mama and Papa inside the Standart and of course we greeted some officers. I immediately headed in the dining room to eat because we didn't eat when we left the Uncle Ernie's Palace. Of course they had the usual sandwich and juice, i grabbed my plate and sat next to Alexei who's playing with his toy soldier. "Hello Sonyechka!" He greeted "Hello dear brother" i greeted back "Have you eaten?" He asked "Im just eating now, how about you?" I asked taking a sip of the juice "Yes i have i've eaten soup before we left" he smiled "Thats good" i smiled back.

I finished eating my sandwich Alexei ran off to Mama's room. I went outside in the deck and zoned out to the ocean blue water. I heard the music start i immediately ran to were the music is. "Hey sister! Want to dance with the officers?" Olga shouted because the music was a little loud "Yes!" I shouted back. We laughed and headed in the middle of the dance floor, i partnered with a random officer but i didn't mind. There was also a camera filming us. I looked and smiled at it they were also taking pictures.

I ran in the corner and chugged a glass of water. I ran out of breath because of all the dancing my Hat also nearly flew off good thing i catched it before it said goodbye.

I went out in the deck again and zoned out to the ocean blue water again "Boo!" Anastasia screamed i flinched "NASTENKA! YOU NEARLY MADE ME FALL!" i shouted at her catching everyone's attention. "Im sorry" she chuckled "Okay, but don't ever do that again!" I stated. "Can you knit me a hat just like Mashka's please?" She begged "Of course c'mon" i smiled pinching her cheeks.

I grabbed my knitting tools and sat in the deck with Anastasia. I let her choose the colour, she picked lime green. I measured her head and started knitting, she also borrowed my tools and turned back i asked her why and she said it was a surprise.

"Im excited for Olga's birthday!" Anastasia exclaimed "Yes me too! I cant wait for Livadia i miss the flowers" i said "Have you got a gift for her?" She asked, "Not yet" i answered "Im going to gift her maybe a bracelet" she stated, "That's nice" i complimented.

We finished our work she showed me her work it was a pair of gloves, i showed her the hat i made her "Wow its very beautiful Sonyechka! Thank you" she smiled putting the hat on "And its really comfortable" she added i smiled "You have magic hands!" She joked "If i had burning magic hands i would burn you because of your cuteness!" I playfully said pinching her cheek.

She left putting on the hat i made her the captain said we'll be arriving Russia in 30 minutes. Olga said to get ready i headed in our room and we got changed into white dresses and big hats with flowers on it. "Girls lets go" Anna ordered. We immediately headed outside. There were many people again waving at us. I waved back at them but my sister's didn't.

"We we'll be riding the Imperial train to Livadia it will be a long ride to the Crimea" Mama stated. We got out and greeted some officers then picture taking. They said that the Imperial Train had some problems and that they will fix the problem for about an hour.

We played in the snow for a while Maria and Alexei made a snowman but Anastasia destroyed it. Me,Olga and Tatiana layed in the snow making snow angels. Mama didn't mind us laying down. Sony played with Shvibzik Anastasia's dog and Papa. Sony and Shvibzik kept chasing papa we laughed as the dogs attacked Papa.

They finally they informed us that the train is all fixed and that we can finally drive to Crimea it will be a long and fun ride.

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