Chapter 42

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Photo: Maria and Olga Nikolaevna 1915 (?)

December 1915

Me and my sister's were decorating the large Christmas tree, we putted paper stars with our wishes for the year 1916, i wish it would be a good year and i hope when the year 1916 comes the war will be over.

I putted my gifts for each of my family under the tree. Olga is doing great so is Alexei and Mama. George is back in England to celebrate Christmas with his family.

"Sonyechka lets go we're going to be late for our lesson" Olga stated, i got up and followed her to our classroom "Have you got some gifts for our younger siblings?" She asks, "Yes, how about you?" I answer, "Yes im going to put them under the tree later" she answers.

We open the doors and sat individually as our english tutor, Sydney Gibbes discuss while talking in English, we have an english irish accent, we adapted it from our old Irish Nanny.

Class has finished Olga putted her gifts under the tree then we headed to the library to do our homeworks, "A Letter for Sofia Nikolaevna" Lili stated, i went over and grabbed the letter, its from George and Sergei. I opened up Sergei's letter first, it says:

My beloved friend,

I have great news for you! My dear Polina is pregnant with a baby girl! She wont be able to go to work now since she's feeling sick and nauseous, How are you? Its been a long time since we talked to each other i hope you are doing great and Happy early Christmas, May God Be with you.


I clapped my hands in happiness, im so happy for them may they have the most beautiful child ever. I opened George's letter and it says:

My dear beloved Sofia,

How are you doing since i left? Are you doing great? I hope so, how's your nursing job? Did you save a lot of lives? Louis keeps talking about your sister Maria more often, he even kept a picture of her by his bedside i told him to come with me to Russia but he refused because he was shy to meet the Grand Duchess Maria. I sent a gift to you last week did it arrive? Im pretty sure you'll like the gift i sent you. I have to go now since Alice has called me for dinner. Happy Christmas Sofia Nikolaevna see you soon.


I haven't received the gift he was talking about maybe its just taking too long to deliver i must wait. "What did your Georgie say?" Olga smirked, "He said that Louis keeps talking about our dear Mashka more often" i answered, "Why dont he come with his brother to Russia next month?" She says, "He refused since he was too shy to meet Maria" i stated looking out the window, "There was a package that came earlier from England" Olga states pulling out a small box and hading it over to me.

I opened it revealing a rose bouquet and an expensive looking jewelry set. I pulled out the rose and flipped the note it says, 'To my Sofia from George i hope you like it Happy Christmas" i smiled and putted the rose on a vase. I wore the jewelry set that he gave. "Nice jewelry it looks very expensive who gave it to you?" Tatiana asks, "George" i answered.

"Lets play in the snow!" Anastasia exclaimed barging in our room, we 3 nodded in agreement and changed to our winter attire.

We went out and went skiing on the hill with Alexei while Mama watched us from the balcony and Alexei's nanny watches Alexei to avoid any accidents.

"Snowball fight!" Anastasia yelled as she threw a snowball at me. I later threw back a much bigger snowball back at her.

"Shall we visit the infirmary?" Tatiana asks, "Why?" I look at her, "Nothing to maybe walk or play with the wounded?" She says, "Oh okay" i say as we walk to the Palace infirmary.

Me and Tatiana chatted with some wounded outside they were pretty funny throwing jokes and such. We also had a gift for them and they liked it so much. "Sofia Nikolaevna you are truly an angel on this world" the man says, my heart melted as i gave him a little smile.

We went back to the 'childrens park' as we call it and continued to play in the snow with our siblings, "Where in the world have you two been?" Olga asks, "To the infirmary" i answered.

"Sofia keep an eye on your brother please i just have to use the restroom" Lili stated, i ran over to Alexei who was about to ski on the hill with Anastasia, i guarded the end so i can catch them if they fall but thankfully they didnt.

"Children come back inside and lets eat!" Mama yelled, we all ran inside and changed to a casual outfit and went to the dining room.

"We will have a church service after dinner" Mama states. "How is it with the front Papa?" Maria asks but Papa didn't answer, "Lets not ask that question now Mashka" i hear Tatiana whisper, "How is it with your nursing job?" Mama asks changing the topic "Its doing good but many has passed" Tatiana states, "How about you Sofia, hows your patients?" Mama asks, "Oh they're doing good Novikov is discharged" i smiled, "Very well" Mama says, "Ma since im 17 can i participate as a nurse now?" Maria asks, "Im sorry dear but i think you cant handle the gore and the smell" Mama says, Maria's smile drosed off.

Mass has finished i went to the library and finished my finaly diary and journal entries for the year 1915.

This year has been very challenging for all of the people of Russia but i know we can make it.

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