Chapter 33

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Photo: Maria and Olga Nikolaevna 1913

August 1913

I sit in the balcony with Monsieur Gilliard with my sisters Olga and Tatiana,Mama has an announcement later after our classes. "Its getting bored" Olga whispered "I know and im hungry" I whispered back "No talking in my class Olga and Sofia" Gilliard slammed his hand on the table, i looked down at my hands and said, "We're sorry Monsieur Gilliard". I looked at Olga and saw her hands shaking, i gently placed my hand on her's, she looked at me and gave me a crooked smile.

Class finished i went outside and played with Vicky, Olga took a little nap, while Tatiana skated with the little pair. I sat in the bench and knitted a hat. I saw a girl with a black coat sit next to me that looked like Olga " I thought you were sleeping" I say to her but there was no response, i looked at her and said, "Olga? A-are you okay?". The girl looked at me, she had a scary look her eyes was black and her mouth was bleeding and looked extremely pale. I screamed in pain as her presence keeps weakening me. I tried to run but i cant.

I opened my eyes and saw everything white again, in the corner there stood Andrei. "Nice to see you again Sofia Nikolaevna" he smiled "Nice to see you too but, why is the evil spirit always there? What does it want from me?" I asked as i look around "That evil spirit, Sofia is Russia's future" he answered "W-what!?" I yelled "That evil spirit is death coming for the innocent people in Russia because a war will start soon in 1914" He stated "W-will i die? A-and a war!? What will happen to us during the war!? Will we die!?" I exclaimed "Its better to know when the time comes" he answered as he suddenly disappeared. That bastard man.

I woke up in a room full off religious icons, i think im in the 'sick room' as they say. I noticed Charlotte reading in the table and Vicky by my foot. "Charlotte what happened?" I say slowly sitting up "You screamed hysterically in the courtyard and suddenly fainted" she answered "How are you feeling?" She asked pouring me some tea "Im feeling fine now" i answered as i took a sip of the tea "Thats good i'll tell your Mama that" she stated as she walked out of the room. I looked around the room and muttered a little prayer that i hope a war will not really start and hope that the innocent Russians wont be killed.

Olga and Tatiana came in the room and sat next to me "Oh my dear sister, how are you? I was worried about you" Tatiana exclaimed holding my hand "What happened tell us" Olga demanded, i sighed and proceeded to tell them about the woman and the war. "What!? A war!?" Tatiana exclaimed "Thats what he said but i pray to God its not gonna happen" I said. "Anyways where's Mama?" I asked "He's with Alyosha" Olga answered "He has another accident again and he demanded to get you to stay with him than Lili" Tatiana stated. "Oh well i'll go see him then" i stood up and shut the door behind me like no one was inside.

I barged in the room and saw Rasputin doing his prayer ritual, i stood in the corner waiting for Rasputin to finish his ritual. Alexei layed in bed with multiple pillows supporting his wounded leg. He signaled me to come over but i whispered wait.

Rasputin finished his ritual and left with Mama and Papa. I walked over at Alexei and sat next to him "My dear brother im sorry i wasn't there for you, how are you?" I answered sympathetically "In pain, and why did you scream?" Alexei answered "I-i saw a scary figure and it was so scary that i screamed" i lied "Oh okay im glad that scary figure is gone" He smiled "Get well soon okay i'll visit you here everyday or if i cant i'll write letters to you" i stated giving him a kiss on the forehead and left.

I went to the library and write in my 1913 journal about the war so i dont forget it. I have journals for each year i started writing a diary in 1902 when i was 7, and a journal in 1907 when i was 10. Vicky is playing with Shvibsyk outside with the little pair.

"A letter for Grand Duchess Sofia Romanova" Lili stated handing me the letter. I looked at who the letter is from and it said 'To: Великая княгиня София Николаевна Романова From: Екатерина Васильевна. Who's Ekaterina Vasilyevna? I thought. I opened the letter and read what it said.

Великая княгиня София,

Hello Tsarevna Sofia! Its me! Im the young girl that caught your hat during the Romanov Tercentenary in February! My name is Ekaterina Vasilyevna im turning 16 years old tommorow! It would be lovely if you respond to me but its okay if you cant. I dont know if im allowed to send you such letter i apologize for that your highness, i hope we can see each other again we can be friends by writing each other letters! I have to go now since my Mom has called me for Lunch, May God bless you София Николаевна.

-Екатерина Васильевна.

I smiled, i remember her last February, i have to respond to her immediately and gredt her a happy birthday to give her the best birthday she can have, i wish i can attend but Papa wont allow me that.

I ran to our room and bursted in. Olga red a book beside the window while Tatiana is reading the newspaper. I grabbed a paper and a pen and wrote back to her. "Who's letter is that from?" Olga asked "From Ekaterina she's the girl who caught my hat during the Tercentenary in February, her birthday is tommorow so i have to write back to her" I answered. "Oh thats nice tell her i wish her Happy birthday" Tatiana stated. I smiled and nodded my head "Me too" Olga added. "How's Alyosha?" Olga asked "In pain poor boy was sweating and his wounded leg is so sore" I answered "Poor baby he doesn't deserve this blood curse!" Tatiana exclaimed. "No one deserves it" Olga said. I looked at the window and daydreamed about what the outside world is like, yes we live in a luxurious palace filled with golden design and such but we are not spoiled. We fixed our beds and sometimes do chores too. But i prefer the outside world than this isolated place.

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