Chapter twenty three

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After Reid left with Cara I decided to read the report she handed me

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After Reid left with Cara I decided to read the report she handed me. 10 minutes went by and I was waiting patiently for Reid to come back.

What if he likes Cara? I mean she's stunning, not to mention she's younger than me and we all know how Reid feels about younger women. She's also way smarter than me and the way her curls bounce when she walks could make any man fall to his knees.

Although I trust Reid I still feel like he thinks Cara is attractive I mean, even I think she's hot.

"Stop doing that" Reid interrupted me from my thoughts, and I peered up from computer screen gazing at his muscular frame standing at the door.

"Doing what?" I questioned.

"Overthinking every little detail. Do you seriously think I would want to fuck Cara?" He said and my eyes widened, he's like a fucking mind reader but he also wasn't wrong.

"Well she did ask you on a date once, plus you're quite known for fucking co workers aren't you?" I state smugly reffering to his assistant.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Dani? your assistant."

"How the fuck do you know that?"

Dani, Cara and I were talking in the conference room about our weird and wonderful hook-ups when Dani confessed that Reid came to her hotel room one night whilst they were on a business trip and ended up having sex.

Dani said she regretted it deeply and I can see it in her eyes the poor girl just wanted to focus on her work yet it still pains me that she's still his assistant now that Reid and I are a couple.

"We're girls of course I know that" I state and he steps futher into my office.

"Well didn't you have a fuckbuddy for a while? You're not so innocent either" He argues and I'm taken back by the sudden anger laced in his voice.

"Why are you bringing up James? it's not like I'm around James 24/7. You fucking work with Cara and the girl you fucked is still your assistant!" I argue back rising from my seat.

"You still don't trust me do you" He sighs pinching his temple, clearly frustrated.

"I do" I say softly, my anger replaced with sorrow.

"Then why the fuck are we having this argument when you know I would never even touch Cara let alone fuck her and Dani needs this job, we pushed that night far away and our relationship is strictly just co-workers" He says and suddenly his watch on his wrist beeps. He glances down and groans.

"We'll talk about this later I have a meeting" He says.

"Seriously?" I furrow my brows, surely his meeting can wait, he's the boss after all.

"I'll see you at home" He sends me a weak smile heading out the door.

Maybe I overreacted about Cara a little but he can't just leave me to drown in my own thoughts whilst he's in his meeting. He knows I overthink too much which makes matters way worse.

My day finally finished and I was now on my way home, Reid hadn't texted me or came to see me in my office since our little argument. I get he's a busy man but I would think that my feelings are more important.

Unlocking the front door I was expecting Reid to be inside since he finishes work before me yet I was met with an empty house, I turned the living room light on since it was dark outside and decided to go upstairs and change into something more comfortable.

I changed into some grey sweats and one of Reids black hoodies which looked huge on me and whipped my phone out to text Reid.

Me: Where are you?

If Reid was out with his friends he would usually text me so I don't freak out but this time I had received no calls or texts from him, and especially after our argument I'm a lot more worried.

Sighing I headed back downstairs turning on the TV and decided to catch up on a new netflix series I had been recently binging.

A few hours went by and Reid still wasn't home, it was now almost 1am, I do trust Reid but now my heart is pounding in my chest I can only assume the worst when he isn't even coming home.

The clock then reached 2am and I was out of my fucking mind, I shouldn't be this worried but it's been around 5 hours with no news on Reid. I had left him a shit ton of missed calls and some desperate text messages each at different times.

Me: Call me when you can baby, I'm getting worried.

Me: Reid please call me I'm sorry.

Me: Please come home, I love you.

I decided the only person other than Reid who could keep me sane right now was my bestfriend Vicky. I dialled her number and just like that she picked up which was surprising since it was 2am.

"Hey Vick sorry to wake you" I said.

"Hey Anna and you didn't wake me but you are a huge cockblocker" She chuckled and I also heard Blaine laughing in the background but I didn't care that he was listening to our conversation.

"Is everything okay?" She spoke up when I didn't say anything.

"I don't really know anymore" I sighed resting my head on my hand.

"Is it the baby? Or is it Reid?" She asked.

"Its Reid"

"Oh what did that fucker do now" She growled and I chuckled at her comment.

"He hasn't come yet and normally he would call me or text me to tell me where he is and he hasn't called and now I'm scared"

"Is there a reason he hasnt come home yet?"

"We had an argument earlier today and that was the last I saw of him, I do trust him It's just... I don't think he's coming home." I murmured and my eyes began welling up with tears.

Why the fuck am I crying? Jesus. Pregnancy is making my hormones fly all over the place.

"Oh Anna" She sighed "I promise you he wouldn't do anything like that, he loves you too much than to go out with random girls whilst you're sat at home pregnant" Vicky assures me.

"I may have my opinions about him but everytime he looks at you it's like nobody else matters but you"

"Thankyou Vick he just-" I was cut off by the front door audibly slamming and hearing the noise of a vase smashing on the floor.

"Fuck me" That voice that I knew all too well— Reids voice of course— chuckled when he saw me layed on the sofa with a drunken smile spread across his beautiful face as if he forgot all about our fight.

"I'll call you back Vicky"

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