Aaron took his seat at the usual table, looking at the skies that were still indigo with some little yellow and red across the skies. He smiled as his fingers were tapping the table before he was smelling the familiar scent that he knew by his heart now.

Aaron turned to look at the counter as Astrid came and took his order again. He smirked. Well, looks who's back for more, he mused as he stood up from his chair, making his way toward the lovely blonde woman that he had the fortune to kiss last night. The only thing that kept him from sleeping was that amethyst stare that only Astrid Larsen could give to him.

And right now, she was running away with his order one more time.

Aaron followed her as Astrid was still oblivious to his pursuit. Not that he was giving it away when Aaron was stepping lightly, not wanting to scare her as she was walking toward the abandoned alley. He narrowed his eyes before Astrid made a left turn, going into the said alley as he was following behind her.

"Astrid!" he called when the blonde woman stopped and turned to look at him. Aaron smiled as Astrid was arching her eyebrow, smiling as she was scanning him up and down. He loved it when she did that.

"Mr. Covaci. I see that you have been following me in silence. If I don't know any better, you would be a good stalker that woman doesn't need in her life," she said as she was wiggling her finger at him. Aaron laughed as he was gesturing to the coffee that she was holding.

"I think you have not mistaken me for being a stalker, are you? I am here for my order that you accidentally took. Again," he said as Astrid was smiling at him. His cock jerked at those lips curled at the corners.

"Well," she said as Astrid was handing him the coffee that he ordered, "we would not like that now. Perhaps you should make sure that it is your coffee after all or you have made this trip to follow me for nothing, Aaron," she said as Aaron was bringing the coffee to his mouth.

He took a taste as he was locking his eyes with her amethyst orbs. Astrid was smiling and as Aaron was tasting the coffee, it tasted a little different than he had before. Astrid arched her eyebrow.

"Well? Was it the coffee that you expected, after all, Aaron?" she asked as Aaron was smacking his lips. She waited for his response but when he wanted to answer, Aaron fell to the ground as his body suddenly shut down.

Astrid kneeled before him as he was looking at the amethyst eyes that have been capturing his heart from the first day that they met at the coffee shop. She smiled wickedly as she was taking the spilled coffee on the ground. Astrid twirled the cup around as she chuckled softly.

"Ah... to have your trust and you're being careless around someone that you shouldn't, Aaron Covaci. Perhaps my façade was too good for you to notice who I really was," Astrid said as she shed her overcoat and Aaron's eyes widened when he saw her outfit.

No, it cannot be!

Astrid smirked as she was gripping his chin with her hand. She was looking at his eyes before she tsked at him. "Looks like your Pure Blood was making it hard for the hemlock to paralyze you. But no matter," she said as she took out a syringe from one of her many pockets on her outfit.

"I will be administering some more hemlock into your system so that it would not be a problem for me later," she said as she pushed the syringe into his arm, as gently as she possibly could. Aaron was still staring at her as his eyes tracked her every move.

Those leathers sure do make wonders to her curves, he thought as his mouth was paralyzed, cannot show his summer fling that she looked beautiful in her tight leather outfit with the crossbows and daggers strapped across her body. If anything, it was turning Aaron on to tackle Astrid and made her his.

Kraving Kovacs (Vexing Vamp #1)Where stories live. Discover now