Chapter 6

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ASTRID did not know if the ache inside her chest was normal or not but ever since she was on a stroll with this man—this Vampire named Aaron—it would seem that it only got worse.

She was supposed to be lurking for information hence why she was agreeing to the stroll that they were having around the town square with the most delicious specimen in the whole world. Astrid could see it in the eyes of the women who were looking at Aaron Covaci as if he were the prey.

It just so happened to be otherwise for he was the ultimate predator in our Known World, she thought as Astrid was walking side by side with Aaron. They were silent as they were lost in their thoughts but Astrid could feel that Aaron was looking at her sometimes and she felt the burn of it on the top of her head.

"So, are you on vacation often? Or was this the first time that you were away from your work?" Astrid asked as she turned to look at his handsome face. She would not lie to herself as well and half the population of women would agree that Aaron has a handsome face with his 5 shadow figures, the hardened green emerald eyes. But when he smiled, everything faded away and Astrid was lost to the lure of the Vampire.

"This is the first time that I was on vacation from my work as a scientist and a researcher," Aaron replied as he smiled at her. She smiled back before she was walking closer to her, not touching her arm with his but close enough that Astrid could feel the body heat of his body.

"What are you researching?" she asked, trying to get personal with Aaron. He chuckled before arching his eyebrow. His perfect eyebrow, might she add.

"Why, aren't you a curious thing, Miss Larsen? I would say that you would likely get any information about the research that I was conducting back in Lacul Rosu and sell it to the highest bidder," Aaron said before Astrid blinked her eyes, stammering as she did not know if he was serious right now. Then, Aaron laughed.

"Seriously, woman, you need to chill out and that face when you thought I was serious for a moment, it is priceless," Aaron said before he pulled Astrid by her hand. She felt the electricity as it was running through her bones. She was looking at their intertwined hands before Aaron was dragging her across the town square.

"Come on, we should enjoy while the moon is bright," he said as Astrid turned to look at him. Big mistake.

Aaron was illuminating with his emerald orbs as well as his smile that could thaw the cold stone heart that belonged to her. Astrid gasped as she felt a lump in her throat before she was walking willingly toward the fun that Aaron was promising her.

I am such an idiot, she thought before they were having the time of their life as Astrid forgot for a moment who she was and who she was with for tonight would be the night that something shifted inside her frozen heart.


"So, tell me, do you enjoy working at the supermarket, Bianca?" Gabriel asked before he put the meat that he cut before as medium-rare steak hitting his tongue.

The blood was making his Darker Side relaxed for a moment as well as the fact that his mate was near. Bianca was sipping on her wine before she dabbed her mouth to answer his question.

"It pays the bills so I guess it was okay," she replied as Gabriel was arching his eyebrow at her.

"But if you have a better option than that? Would you consider—"

"A 100 percent. But for now, I think I might be stuck in the management of the tins and cans of the supermarket," she said as she was chuckling softly. Gabriel smiled before he cut some more meat and he noticed that Bianca was not eating much.

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