Chapter 8

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MORNING came and went as the dusk was settling over the horizon. Gabriel was feeling the energy that the night gave him as well as Aaron who was rising from his bedroom as Gabriel was cooking some raw meat on the stove in their suite. He smiled as Aaron was going to the coffeemaker as he was trying to pour some coffee into his mug.

Only there was no coffee.

"Why you didn't make any coffee?" Aaron asked Gabriel as he was trying to control his facial expression. He knew that he had to push his cousin to make the move toward his soulmate who was working for the Order of Holy. After what Aaron disclosed to him last night, Gabriel tried to investigate the person named Astrid Larsen.

Unfortunately, she was well known in their world that Gabriel knew Aaron would give her up just because he did not want the extra effort to confront his soulmate and make her understand that not every Blue Blood or Vampire was the bad guy.

Especially Aaron, her soulmate.

"I think you can get it from the coffee shop that you love so much today. I have to visit Bianca after this," Gabriel said as he put the meat on the plates before putting them on the table. Aaron was narrowing his eyes at him as he took a piece of the meat and chewed it.

"You're planning something," Aaron stated before Gabriel was batting his eyelashes innocently at him.

"Who, me? I cannot possibly understand what you're trying to say, cousin. You know planning and making devious, elaborate revenge was out of the capacity of my brain," Gabriel said before Aaron rolled his eyes at him.

"Who knew what would bring you to the coffee shop, am I right?" Gabriel added before he was sitting to eat his meat. Aaron was throwing a piece of meat at him but Gabriel was quick enough that he was eating it.


"Prick," Gabriel replied before he was smirking as his cousin Aaron was chewing more meat before he took the plate to the sink and washed it. Then, he was out of the kitchen to get to his bedroom as Gabriel was shouting at him.

"I will be out in a minute. Perhaps you should as well," he said before Aaron slammed the door in a protest.


"Such a prick cousin. How come he wanted me to go to the coffee shop and meet with my soulmate when I knew that she was working for the enemy? For all I knew, she was there to take me out as well," Aaron said as he pulled the shirt over his head before ruffling his hair to make it look more disheveled than it already was. He sighed before he put his wallet, phone, and keys into his pockets as he opened the bedroom door and closed it.

"Gabe?" he asked for his cousin but the suite was empty. "Great, he was having another date with his soulmate already," he mumbled before Aaron walked out of the suite and locked the door. He was trying to make sure that he would not run into Astrid today until he sorted out the feelings that he was having around her.

Aaron knew that Astrid Larsen was not having the same effect as he was.

He sighed before he put his hands in his pockets as he walked toward the lobby to make sure that Astrid Larsen was not around the coffee shop when he was there.


"Where is he?" Astrid asked herself as she was across the street from the coffee shop that she frequented for her undercover to be with the Vampire that she was supposed to kill later after her mission. But her heart was giving another tug when she thought about killing Aaron Covaci. Astrid rubbed her chest absentmindedly before she turned around to see that the shop that she was currently in was a souvenir shop for the tourists to come and buy some fridge magnets, keychains, and some t-shirts that stated 'Ti Amo, Sicily!'

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