Chapter 45

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TW - swearing, death


I stepped out of the crowd.

I did my best to ignore the literal pile of bodies a few feet away from me.

XD looked down on me.
"Tubbo, are you sure you want to oppose me?" XD asked, he sounded concerned, as if for the first time he was seeing the consequences. I could tell that he didn't want to kill me for multiple reasons. Firstly, if we were being technical, then XD was literally my Uncle and secondly my mum and soulmate were both just as powerful, Ranboo even a little more powerful than he was.

"Yes," I said. I was sure. As I gazed up at XD I accepted that I was probably going to die in a few moments. And, for some reason, in that moment a memory came to me, a memory of the night before Ranboo left for earth.


Ranboo and I sat on the end of his bed, neither of us could sleep. My mind was racing with thoughts of the journey to Earth that Ranboo would be embarking on the next morning. I kept picturing what was going yo happen to Dream and George and then imagining it happening to Ranboo and I.

I wouldn't want to forget Ranboo, not ever. I also wouldn't want to deal with the pain of losing a soulmate and not even remember that soulmate. I didn't want Dream to feel that. If I'm gonna be honest, I actually did a bit of research on Dream and he just seemed like such a nice guy, I hated that all of this shit had to happen to him.

"Hey Ranboo?" I whispered,
"Yeah?" He looked up at me, his eyes glowing slightly in the darkness.
"Can I ask you to promise me something, for when you go down to Earth?" I had the idea that maybe Dream wouldn't have to forget absolutely everything. I mean, I'd seen the way he looked at George, he definitely wouldn't want to forgot his soulmate.

"Well it kinda depends, what is it?" Ranboo replied, laughing lightly. I smiled, slightly sadly,
"Can you at least let Dream remember a little bit about George, don't take Dream's soulmate away from him completely, please. I just keep thinking about how I would feel if you got taken away from me," I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. "Please, Ranboo, please,"

Ranboo took my hand and nodded.
"Of course Tubbo, I'll let him remember some things of George," He smiled sadly at me and I leaned in for a hug,
"Come home safely, okay?" I whispered, Ranboo nodded,
"You better be okay when I get back, I don't want you in prison for harbouring six billion bees in our room," He chuckled in response, making me grin.

"I make no promises,"
"Can you promise me one thing though?"
"Promise you'll still be here when I get home?"
"Of course Ranboo, I'll be right here,"

End - Flashback

"I'm sorry Ranboo," I whispered as I took a deep breathe, "I'm about to break my promise,"

I looked up at XD,
"You're a real dickhead, you know that?" I called, making a couple of people in the crowd gasp.
"You don't want to do this Tubbo," XD warned,
"Oh believe me bitch, I do," I grinned,
"Tubbo, I can decide your fate at any moment,"

"You don't decide shit, bitch," I retorted, crossing my arms, "You just killed six innocent people cause they bruised your fragile ego. I think its safe to say that no one here actually likes you or respects you, they're just fucking scared of you. Mate, you're an asshole, a lonely asshole ruling the world," I chuckled darkly, "Sad, isn't it?"

XD spluttered with rage,
"Stop it Tubbo. I am all powerful, I can make life very difficult for you," He growled,
"Then do it? I wonder what will happen after you kill me? Y'know with my mum being almost as powerful as you and my soulmate being even more powerful than you,"

"You're words have no affect on me, I'm more powerful than anyone knows," XD looked truly angry for the first time,
"Yeah, okay bitch," I smirked. Honestly, I was fucking terrified but I didn't let XD see that.
"Thats enough! Tubbo, I've had enough, prepare to join the others!" He yelled.

The door suddenly burst open and my family stormed in. Tommy at the front, closely followed by Mumza and Dadza. Wilbur's wife and kid, Sally and Fundy followed closely behind them.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?!" Tommy yelled, his horrified eyes drifting to the dead bodies on the ground, the terrified crowd and finally to me.

"Tubbo?!" He ran forward but XD held out a hand, creating a force field to stop him.
"XD! What are you doing?!" Mumza ran forward, looking scared.
"Kristin, these people are all traitors, trying to create an uprising. Tubbo here decided to oppose me even after he knew the consequences," XD's voice was strangely calm, he's gone from very angry to calm and monotoned.

"Tubbo whats going on?" Tommy asked, his eyes full of tears,
"Tommy, can ask you a favour?" I avoided the question, smiling sadly,
"What is it, Big T?" He tried to step forward again but was blocked.

"Can you tell Ranboo that I'm sorry, and tell him I love him?" I needed Ranboo to know this, I knew he was about to feel a massive amount of pain and I needed him to know that I loved him more than anything.
"Why can't you tell him yourself?" Tommy had tears rolling down his face now.
"Tommy, this is like a game of chess, some pieces have to be sacrificed in order to win. When I'm gone, its up to you, and Ranboo and everyone else to win the game,"

"Tubbo... no," Tommy was close to sobbing now.
"Tommy, promise me you'll tell him? Tell Ranboo I love him?" I begged, I could tell that XD was getting impatient.
"Yeah, yeah mate, I'll tell him," Tommy looked up at XD, silently asking him for passage through the barrier.

XD sighed but after a moment Tommy ran over to me. He pulled me into a hug,
"I love you Tommy," I whispered, hugging him tighter.
"I love you too Tubs, you're my best friend, and my little brother," He ruffled my hair affectionately and I laughed lightly,
"You're my best friend too," I told him.

I took a deep breath and looked back up at XD,
"Go on then, you aren't going to go back on your word are you? Or are you weak?" I smirked and XD let out a noise of annoyance.

Then I started to glow gold.

Tommy clung on tighter but I gently pushed him off as I started to rise into the air.

"Goodbye Big Man,"

"Bye bye Bee Boy,"

We were both crying as I floated up higher. I closed my eyes tightly as I began to feel the life and colour being drained out of me.

I didn't open my eyes.

Not ever.

Word count - 1185

A/N -

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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