Chapter 3

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TW - swearing


"Shit!" I stumbled forward, causing a large metal box to fall and make the loudest noise known to man kind. I sucked in a sharp breath, closing my eyes and staying as still as possible, hoping against hope that no one had heard that noise. After a few moments of silence I decided that I was safe. I carefully stepped over the many pieces of paper that had tumbled out of the box when I'd knocked it over.

Not bothering to clean up my mess, I continued down the dark, grubby hallway that hid in the back of the soulmate department. I made my way towards a cold grey door with a sign on the front that read,

- Soulmate Dept. Filing Room -
This room contains classified information. Only creators of the soulmate department are granted access.

I read through the words quickly before placing my hand on the cold, silver handle and pushing the door open. I stepped into I a cold dark, slightly musty smelling room. I immediately reached my hand out to the wall, feeling around for a light switch. After a moment of frantic, blinded searching, I located the switch and a few weak lights came to life, flickering slightly.

I stared around at the filing room. It was a very small, very confined space. Three of the four walls were covered in chipped, yellowing paint whilst the fourth was taken up by a large, dusty television screen. In front of the screen was a a small pedestal with an old fashioned clunky keyboard on top of it.

I slowly walked towards the pedestal, nervously checking over my shoulder every few seconds. I knew that I was allowed to be in here but for some reason I couldn't shake the feeling that only bad things could come from me being here. I tried my best to push away the creeping tendrils of doubt as my fingers brushed the incredibly dusty surface of the keyboard, my eyes wide with fascination.

I pressed down on the enter key and a cloud of dust exploded at me from the large tv as the screen lit up brightly with a welcome screen. I coughed slightly, trying to shield my eyes as best as I could. After the dust had cleared, I turned back to the tv, mesmerised. I wasn't sure what to do next so I just pressed the enter key once more and to my delight, the screen changed.

It now looked like the main menu page of a video game. I stared at it in awe, reading what it said,

Soulmate Matches (Creator)
Soulmate Matches (Human)
Soulmate Matches (Manual Search)
Soulmate Status (/P)
Soulmate Status (/R)

I scanned the options, eventually settling on 'Soulmate Matches (Manual Search)' seeing as I didn't want to be scrolling through the list of thousands of soulmate matching. A new screen popped up. It looked almost identical to the 'Google' search screen except instead of 'Google' it said 'LIFE Soulmate Dept.' The search box was already lit up, ready for me to type in my name.

Very carefully, I began to type.
'George Davidson - Creator'
I pressed the enter key and the screen immediately began to load, searching for the files on my soulmate. I watched in anticipation, excited to finally find out who my soulmate was. After a few moments of anticipation, bright red letters appeared on the screen.

CONTINUING MAY NOT BE SAFE FOR _George Davidson - Creator_


Yes. No.

My eyes widened in confusion as I reread the words a few times, taking it in. What error? It seemed like I had a soulmate but it was unknown to the system in some way. Ignoring the warning, I clicked yes, desperate to know what had gone wrong. The screen became a loading screen for a very annoying moment and I was practically bouncing up and down with nerves.

After what felt like forever, two pictures popped up on the screen along with small chunks of information underneath each one. The first image was of me, it was the photo that had been taken on my fifteenth birthday, the day someone enters the soulmate system. Underneath my image it had the slightly enhanced version of the profile mandatory for every single human and every single creator.

Name: George
Last Name: Davidson
Age: 18
Status: Creator
Department: Soulmate
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: He/him

My breath caught in my throat as I turned my attention to the second picture. My soulmate. He was stunning. He had wavy, soft looking, dirty blonde hair, dazzling piss yellow eyes which I assumed were green, light freckles dotting his tanned face and the most attractive smile I'd ever seen. I gaped at the image of the boy but after a moment, confusion took over from my admiration. I'd never seen this guy before in my life and I'd met every single person who worked at LIFE.

Then my eyes drifted down to his profile and everything was explained. Why I'd never seen him, why there had been a huge warning pop up on the screen, why I'd walked past almost everyone my age today and not heard a single peep from my soulmate.

Name: Dream
Last Name: Taken
Age: 18
Status: Human
Country of Residence: USA
Sexuality: Gay
Pronouns: He/him

No way. It couldn't be. My soulmate was a human. That was unheard of. No Creator had ever had a human soulmate. It was against all of the rules. Humans weren't allowed to know that we existed, we weren't allowed to interact with them and if a Creator did go down to Earth then they were required by law to use their power of invisibility towards humans.

Humans were never allowed to see us or know about us. Ever. We had the special ability to be invisible to humans so we could study them without being found out. Humans were never allowed to know.

Humans were never allowed to know.

My soulmate was a human.

And he wasn't allowed to know that I existed.

He was cursed to live the rest of his life thinking that there was something wrong with him because he didn't have a soulmate.

I stumbled backwards, trying to figure out what to do.

I couldn't go to the authorities, they'd probably invite the Death Department to come and have a chat with Wilbur seeing as Wilbur was the one who paired me with the blond human. I wished I could just go to the authorities and get them to fix it somehow but secretly I knew that was impossible.

Soulmates can't be changed. They can be slightly altered so someone believes that another is their soulmate, they can even hear their fake soulmate's thoughts but it will never work out, not really. The relationship is bound to fall apart at some point because the fake isn't the person's real soulmate. They can only ever be happy with their true soulmate.

I ran a worried hand through my hair. I couldn't just let this incredibly attractive, blond human spend his whole life feeling like he was a mistake, a blip in the system. I had to make sure that he knew that he had a soulmate. I wasn't going to let him see me, I decided, I would just get close enough for him to hear my thoughts and then I'd come up with some excuse as to why he could never meet me.

Yes. That was the perfect plan.

Now all I had to do was find a way to get to the blond boy without arousing suspicion.

Should be easy, right?

Word count - 1305

A/N -

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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