Chapter 20

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TW - swearing, mentions of abusive family, mentions of murder
CW - fluff


I felt like I was floating on a cloud. I had George cuddled close to my chest and the memories of yesterday imprinted into my mind. I'd met George's three best friends, Karl, Sapnap and Quackity. They had all been very funny and it was really nice meeting people that meant a lot to George, it showed that he really trusted me.

I felt like everything with George was falling into place, like we were finally going to be okay. I was filled with a happiness that no one could break. I stared down at the pretty brunette in my arms, my heart filling with an intense love for him. I couldn't believe that I'd fallen so lucky with my soulmate, it didn't matter to me that he wasn't human and that he came from an organisation that controlled human life, he was my soulmate and I loved him. I truly had fallen in love with him.

"Dream?" George's croaky morning voice pulled me from my thoughts. I looked down at him and smiled warmly,
"Morning Georgie," I said, placing a kiss on his forehead. He grinned at me and slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes. "So George," I started, getting out of bed, "I was wondering, would it be okay to tell my parents about us? Our relationship?" I asked tentatively, not wanting George to feel pressured in any way.

George thought for a moment before nodding. I felt happiness spread through me. I felt hope. We were truly committing. It felt as if we would never be pulled apart, not anymore. I was going to try my absolute best to make sure George and I could stay together because each second I spent with him, the more I fell for him and the harder it became to let go.

Pushing away my thoughts, I slipped my hand into George's and we climbed out of bed. We walked downstairs and found my parents in the living room, watching the morning news. I cleared my throat, alerting them to our presence. George's hand tightened in mine as they both looked up, their eyes immediately jumping to our intertwined hands.

"Mum, dad, we just wanted to let you know that George and I are now officially boyfriends," I said nervously, watching them both carefully for a reaction. For a split second, my dad's face displayed disgust before he smiled. My mom jumped to her feet and ran to hug us, an excited smile appearing on her face.

"Boys! I'm so excited for you! Oh you're just the cutest couple," She cried, letting go of a relieved looking George. I grinned and thanked her, very happy at her response. Then my dad stood up and walked over to us, he looked slightly intimidating.
"I still don't get this whole 'homosexual love' thing but I'm happy for you both," He informed us, shaking both of our hands.

George smiled awkwardly as I rolled my eyes and tried my best not to burst out laughing at the 'homosexual love' comment.
"Well, thats all we wanted to say, we'll leave now," I said quickly before tugging George out of the awkward silence of the living room. We ran upstairs, trying not to collapse into a fit of giggles.

I quickly closed my bedroom door and we both fell about laughing.
"Homosexual love," George gasped through his laughter, making me wheeze. I tumbled onto the floor, wheezing loudly and unable to get air into my lungs.

George continued laughing loudly, his laughs all of a sudden however sounded more like sobs.

I managed to slow my breathing and stand up. George was indeed crying, all traces of laughter gone from his features. Concerned, I sat down and pulled him close to my chest, stroking his hair.
"George what happened?" I asked gently as sobs wracked his small frame.
"I'm sorry, I'm being stupid, I shouldn't be crying," He sniffled, wiping away his tears. I shook my head,

"No, darling, you're not being stupid at all. What's wrong?" I murmured into his ear, holding him closer. He took a moment to regulate his breathing somewhat before saying,
"Your parents accepted us and it just made me think about my parents and how they- they wouldn't have done the same. They would've disowned me all over again," His voice shook and I felt a wave of sadness pass through me at his words.

"Again?" I questioned, watching as his eyes filled with pain and sadness. He nodded sadly,
"When I came out, they despised me, they said I'd always been a disappointment of a child but this was too far. Then they disowned me, only after beating the shit out of me of course. They used to hit me a lot, whenever I did something that they found disappointing, which was very often,"

Tears were rolling down George's face as he spoke. I felt rage spike in my chest, I wanted nothing more than to attack his parents. How could anyone do something that cruel to someone like George?! I wanted to murder every single person who'd ever hurt my beautiful soulmate.

"George, darling, I promise you that I will never let anyone hurt you ever again," I whispered, stroking his hair gently. George sniffled slightly and buried his head deeper into my chest.
"Thank you," he mumbled, his voice thick with tears.

I felt a burning hurt inside of me as I saw the pain reflected in his eyes, I didn't have to read his thoughts to be able to tell that he'd been put through hell by his parents, the people who were supposed to nurture and love him.

If I could, I would march up to LIFE right this moment and confront that absolute fucking assholes who'd done this to my boyfriend. The boy I loved was in pain and I wouldn't stand for it.

I decided in that moment that I would always be there for George, wether he liked it or not. He was the most important person in the world to me and if anyone dared hurt him, well let's just say that their body may or may not end up in an alleyway.

I gently lifted George off of the floor and placed him gently in the bed, lying next to him a moment later. I pulled him close to my chest and gently kissed his forehead.

"I love you, George"

"I love you too, Dream,"

Word Count - 1077

A/N -

Sorry about the messed up upload schedule! My mental health is rlly shit rn and my parents took my phone and stuff.

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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