Chapter 33

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TW - swearing, homophobia
CW - fluff, sexual inuendo


The man was short, fat and balding. He walked into the restaurant as Charlie took our orders. He was with his wife, a petite woman with wispy hair and mouse-like features and two children, twin boys who looked around age 5 or 6. I didn't pay much attention to them apart from a brief glance up as they arrived. Charlie walked over and seated them in the table next to us.

"Hey Sap, wanna fuck in the bathroom?" Quackity laughed pulling me out of my thoughts as I returned my attention to my soulmates. Karl was breaking down in a fit of giggles as Quackity smirked at me.
"What?" I asked, confused as to what the joke was here. Quackity smiled innocently at me,
"Whilst you were daydreaming you half agreed to have sex with me in the bathroom," He said matter of factly, making me choke on air.

"I- I don't even- shut the fuck up," I muttered, getting very flustered as Karl continued to laugh at us. Quackity grinned and leaned back in his chair, winking at me. "Karl, change the topic," I said, unable to pry my eyes away from Quackity who was definitely being this sexy on purpose.

"So," Karl began, "We live on Earth now,"
Quackity and I nodded, a slight sadness fell on our conversation but it immediately disappeared when Quackity said,
"We're gonna need a house in the middle of nowhere so no one can hear when I fu-"
"QUACKITY!" Karl and I both hissed at the same time, reaching over in sync to clamp a hand over his mouth.

Quackity removed our hands and intertwined his fingers into them, smiling at us,
"Seriously guys, I don't care wether we live at LIFE or we live on Earth, as long as I'm with you guys, I'm happy," We both hummed in a agreement.

He was right, no matter where we were in the world, as long as we had each other I'd be happy. Quackity and Karl were my soulmates, the loves of my life. I would do anything to make sure they were okay and happy. I couldn't even remember what it was like to live without them. It was as if all of my memories of happiness began on the day I realised they were my soulmates.


Shit shit shit shit shit shit.


I was late. Ridiculously late.

And late is not a good thing to be when it's your first day on a new job, especially when that job is being in charge of the music taste of every human on Earth.

I sprinted down the corridors of LIFE, struggling to catch my breath. I had my phone pressed to my ear and George was giggling at me from the other end of the call.
"Shut up," I huffed, using up some of my precious air. I could feel a stitch growing in my side but I pushed forwards, heading towards my office.

I hung up on George, his giggling was pissing me off.

I sharply rounded a corner and-


"Fuck!" A voice screeched as I toppled over, landing on top of someone. After a dazed few moment, I focused on the person beneath me. A boy with raven hair poking out from underneath a beanie was staring up at me, his dark eyes searching mine.
'God he's hot' The same voice said, only this time it was in my head.

I quickly got to my feet, my eyes widening.
'You think I'm hot,' I asked through my thoughts, smirking as the other got to his feet. His eyes widened too as he stared at me. I was about to say introduce myself when someone else came sprinting around the corner.

"Quackity! I lied! Yesterday when you asked me if I'd heard my soulmate I lied. I have heard my soulmate but I was too scared to say anything back because its you! You're my soulmate Q," The newcomer, a boy with fluffy brown hair and the most amazing smile I'd ever seen looked very panicked as he came to a stop in front of the beanie wearer.

'See? It's me. I heard you,' The brunette's voice spoke in my head. Then, at the same time, Quackity and I spoke in our minds,
'What the fuck?!'

All three of us stared at each other, shocked.
"So, all three of us are soulmates?" The brunette asked.
"No Karl, we can just magically hear each other's thoughts," Quackity said sarcastically.

I smiled and stepped forwards, taking both of their hands.
"I'm Sapnap," I murmured, smiling at them. Karl's face lit up,
"I'm Karl," He replied,
"And I'm Quackity,"

We stood in silence for a moment, smiling brightly at each other.

Then I remembered I was late.
"Oh shit! I'm late for work! I'll... uh... find you guys at lunch! Okay love you, bye!" I began sprinting away before I realised what I'd said and I turned back.

"Wait! Not love you! As in like, I- you guys are my soulmates and stuff and I- shit, I'm sorry," I continued to ramble, practically jumping up and down on the spot, very aware of how late I was. After a few moments, a bewildered looking Karl walked over and kissed me gently on the cheek, followed by Quackity who did the same,

"It's okay Sapnap, we love you too, thats kinda how soulmates work nimrod. We'll see you at lunch,"

I melted into a pool of happiness for the rest of that day.

We definitely weren't a normal relationship but that was fine. Because I knew that I would always love the two of them quite literally from day one.

✨End of Flashback✨

"I love you guys," I said randomly, interrupting whatever conversation they were having. They both smiled warmly and leaned over to me, taking it in turns to kiss me and then kiss each other.
"I love you guys too," They both said at the same time before giggling lightly.

Then we were rudely interrupted.

Remember that guy who I saw walk in? The one I didn't pay much attention to? Yeah well he stood up and walked over to us.
"How dare you!" He cried, flailing his arms angrily.
"Woah dude, no need to shout, I know I'm hot but you're wife's right there, you should be more discreetly jealous of my sexy ass boyfriends," Quackity said, leaning back in his chair.

Karl and I both burst out laughing. The man did not looked pleased.
"That was gay," The man growled, glaring at our intertwined hands.
"We know, you didn't need to haul ass all the way over here to tell us that," I replied, grinning. Karl laughed even harder, he had to bury his head in my shoulder to try and calm down.

"That was absolutely disgusting. It's wrong and you shouldn't be exposing my children to this foul behaviour. You're all going to hell," He spat. Karl, who was still giggling, managed to formulate a reply,
"Hell is gonna be awesome, it's gonna be like an entire pride parade,"

The man did not seem to like this. He stepped closer to Karl and raised his hand and slapped him. All humour drained from Karl's face and he hissed in pain. A bright red mark was glowing menacingly on his right cheek. Quackity and I both leapt to our feet, cracking our knuckles threateningly.

"How fucking dare you lay a goddam finger on our soulmate," Quackity said lowly, his eyes dark and furious.
"I'm praying for all of you," The man said.

Then I punched him. Dead in the face. I swung my fist and heard a sickening crunch as it hit its mark.

"HEY!" A voice shouted from the kitchens.

Oh shit.

I turned to Quackity and Karl who both grinned.

"Run!" Quackity shouted as an angry looking man burst out of the kitchen, holding a steak knife. I grabbed Karl's hand and tugged him to his feet whilst Quackity grabbed my other hand.

Together, we sprinted out of the restaurant, all of us laughing loudly as we ran towards the beach.

I loved those two idiots beyond words.

Word count - 1366

A/N -

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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