"Let's stop this drama already and start to work with our decoration. Our time is running," I remind them and they start moving. I look around and witness how busy and serious everyone is with this activity.

I glance at Yodo's group work and I still can't figure out what they are trying to make but I don't care I have to focus on ours.

"We will make a Kadomatsu," I say. They hung up their mouths at me. Did I say something wrong?

"Are we able to do that?" Chocho asks not so sure about it.

"Can't we though? We will make a pair of them. We have bamboo sprigs, right?" I wink at them.

"Have you made one before, Sarada?" Namida asks. Is she expecting yes as an answer?

"If we will make one today then it's my first time," I say. Honestly, I never made anything like that my entire life. Mom used to buy them at the stores on New Year's Eve.

"This is not so like you, to begin with," Chocho shrugs, and I just give them an unsure smile.

"Well, we will not know what happens later so we must start making Kadomatsu now," Dae says and takes out the stuff from the paper bag. Then Wasabi takes out the bamboo sprigs too. Namida prepares the twigs of pines while I am taking plums out of its cover.

Everyone is doing their best I must do what I can too. We start by preparing the bamboo sprigs then put the twigs around them.

"Please give me those plums," I say to Namida and she immediately pulls them and hands them over to me.

"For the final touch," Chocho utters, and everyone chuckles. We did not notice the time. It's already 3:00 p.m.

"It took us forever to finish the pair," Dae says and I nod.

"I didn't expect this to turn out great," I say while blushing I guess.

"This is not bad for a first-timer," Wasabi chuckles and we laugh together.

"Thank goodness, we can rest now," Namida breaths in relief.

"Hey!" Dae squeals when he sees Yodo's decoration.

"No way..." we utter all at once.

"Is that a lantern with bells?" Chocho mutters while narrowing her eyes.

"Hey! Hey! It has lights too," Dae panics. His eyes are wide open.

"Calm down, Dae. What to expect from a wealthy and fashionable Yodo?" Wasabi scolds him while tapping his shoulder.

"So, we are..." Dae says almost sobbing.

"What's with that look?" Wasabi asks and scowls at him.

"It's okay. We did our best and I think that's more important," Namida says and wipes the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Someone has been enlightened," Chocho waves in front of her face.

"All right, leave all your works on the table right there and we will judge it later," our adviser instructs and points at the corner near the window.

"You can have a break now," she adds and slowly the area was left empty.

"This tea is good," Inojin comments and Shikadai agrees by nodding his head at him.

"Don't you think it tastes good, Mitsuki?" Boruto asks Mitsuki who is sitting next to him. The latter nods and smiles at him.

We are gathered together at a long table while having the best tea in the world.

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