Epilogue: Candy Pop

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This knock was one that felt physical, but gentle. It was like a small tap against the base of her skull. Y/N's eyes opened quickly and her world moved from left to right, causing her to mentally freak out.

"Wh-what the hell?!" She shouted in a panic, sitting up quickly while stretching both of her hands sideways like she was balancing against a curb of a sidewalk. There was the small splashing of water as slow waves rippled against the surface of an endless lake. And here Y/N was, sitting in a white, untouched boat, at the center of it all.

Y/N turned her head behind her, various types of flowers decorating the edges and end of the boat while the other side had a lantern hanging from the tip, dangling over the clear water. Y/N craned her head over the edge, slowly as to not tip over the boat. This lake was clear to the bottom and she did not see any kind of life whatsoever.

A part of Y/N was relieved and a part of her was distressed. Relieved because if she'd fall in, there would be nothing there to grab her ankles and drag her under (yes, she was afraid of that). Distressed because there was literally nothing around her for as far as she could see. She gasped for breath, even though she was almost certain she was above the water and not below, but for some reason, it felt like she was being suffocated.

No, no, she needed to calm down. Calm down, it'll be okay. The female placed a hand against her chest and inhaled through her nose and exhaled through her mouth. Good. Good. She did it twice more, then again, until she could breathe normally again. Y/N lifted her head to the sky, clear as day with the various fluffy cloud here and there. She glanced around her once more. Still nothing.

"Okay. Okay, this isn't the worst thing that could happen," she spoke aloud as if someone would respond to her. Nobody did if you're really wondering. She wasn't feeling hungry nor was she thirsty, which was odd considering that she had no memory of what happened after she had passed out at...

Right! Her hands gripped the sides of the boat as she collected the most recent events quickly. She had passed out at the maze's facility right after the battle against Sasha! Her attitude dropped as she remembered the names of her friends but swallowed away the guilt for now. Y/N gripped at her hair and leaned forward. This wasn't the worst situation in the world, not at all, but why!

Why did she have to be alone?


Y/N jolted awake.


The feeling around her changed drastically and Y/N jolted in place, drenched in a cold sweat. Her eyes were wild as she searched her immediate location. White sheets were gathered at her ankles, probably tossed off from her sudden wake-up. She was in some sort of room with wooden flooring and walls. The whole place was decorated with nice furniture, even the bed she was lying on was lavish; even more than her own room at home.

Home, this wasn't her home.

"Y/N..." A familiar voice spoke her name to her left. She whipped her head towards the location of the voice so quickly that she winced in the small sting of pain from the swiftness. A colorful entity hovered before her, a small smile crossing his features. It widened even more so when she uttered his name.

"I'm glad you remember me!" He leaned forward, "but what about you? Do you feel okay? I'm..." He trailed off suddenly, looking away with guilt written across his face. Y/N stared with confusion.

She could either know and get mad at me...or not know and somehow find out herself...then get mad at me, Candy Pop thought, pressing both of his index fingers together nervously. He then sighed with defeat, facing her once more.

"I'm sorry about the dream...I just thought you'd want to relax by yourself a bit," he straightened himself, his feet still not touching the physical ground. His height was still as tall as she'd remember. Though, with his statement, she could only put two and two together even with the blatant way he explained it.

"You..gave me that dream?" She asked with a drawn-out tone, her brows raised at his silent nod, and turned her head away. Candy Pop watched her and turned his whole body around with a frustrated groan, not at her, but to himself.

"I know! I know! You can yell at me, I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd want to be with...anyone after all that," he placed a hand at the side of his head, stretching himself out mid-air, then turned back to Y/N, "please, if it makes you feel better-"

He stopped himself any further than that when he saw her glossy eyes streaming with large tears. She quickly began wiping at them.

"I-I do-don't want to be alone," she swallowed, "anymore! I-I can't!"

Candy Pop stared forward, wide-eyed at her reaction. He reached forward but was surprised when she received the hug quite well. Candy Pop creased his brows together, the guilt weighing on him even more. He had made his precious cry. His heart felt heavy at the sight and pulled her closer, moving himself to sit on the bed with her. She didn't stop crying, but Candy Pop didn't exactly mind. He would wait; he'd also do anything he can to repair the damage he had done.

"Please...tell me anything...what kind of dream do you want?" He whispered quietly, lying back while he caressed the back of her H/L, H/C hair. She shook against him, but her sobbing had dyed down. Y/N hid her face, but her words didn't go by unheard from him. Candy Pop could feel his pointed ears grow red from the answer, but a large smile stretched across his face.

"A dream with you."


Even within her dream, he never once left her side.

"Y/N, I'll do anything for you... So, please... Let me care for you a little longer."


Route completed.

[Up next; Puppeteer]

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