Chapter 34

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The two survivors of the bloody battle traveled through the forest at a steady pace. Norrington held Sarah's map in his hands, Y/N, unsure of how he acquired it. He probably found her body somewhere in the field while she was unconscious. The remaining girl shivered and randomly glanced at her left wrist, the mustard-colored hoodie having gotten a bit stained, but still useable for the time being.

How long has it been?

Y/N craned her head to stare at the back of Norrington's head. He seemed to know where they were going and she trusted him. Her head hung low again, her neck becoming heavy with the three keys that hung loosely from her neck. Everything felt heavy at this point, but the looming figure of death still hung over the two of them. If she and Norrington had to face off one another, would she be able to win? Would she be able to even fight back?

"We should be close.." Norrington mumbled, peering between the trees, then turning his attention back to the map in his hands.

"Can...I see it?" Y/N asked, taking a long step forward to reach his right side. He tilted the large paper to her, showing the various places Sarah had written and sketched down. There was small scribbles of words near the top, right-hand side.

1. rose garden

2. string forest

3. candy pop's dream world? (possibility ?)

4. cliff

"All of the four places she marked, besides three, are waterfalls." He explained, pointing at the bold 1. that was crossed out on the map in the center of the spiraled maze. Y/N had seen the inside of the garden herself and had bathed behind it, using it as a makeshift shower...why would Sarah be after waterfalls?

Norrington pointed at the three that was off at the top of the paper, a cloud shape created around it to signify Candy Pop's dream world. There was a waterfall in there? How far and how long did she explore in that killer's domain?

"Then," he pointed to the fourth circle, "this one. This is our best bet."

The four had not been marked out and it was drawn right below the edge of a cliff (since it was marked as 'cliff' on the map). Behind the cliff was a large section of land, titled; WHITE CREATURE'S FOREST.

The white creature... The forest... Y/N had been there before. That cliff, could it have been the one she had fallen from? And the waterfall, was it the same source of water she had fallen in? Had she been the only person that had been the closest to the exit without knowing? Thinking that way made her a bit annoyed.

Soon enough, they had approached the area she had...not-so-fond memories of. The showering of water was sprayed against the surface of the crystalline liquid. The two humans that stood nearby could feel the small spray of the waterfall dot their skin with dew once they got close. Y/N leaned forward and saw no secret entrance behind the crashing water.

She shook her head, turning to Norrington, "nothing there."

The male frowned, a painful look crossing his face as he pulled out Sarah's map once more. He unfolded it and began to trace his eyes over every line possible as if he was missing something.

Y/N wandered closer to the edge of the water, her shoes sinking into the wet dirt. A large shadow darkened the center of the source of water, catching her attention. She thought it was a monster from the water because, at this point, how wouldn't that be realistic? Her E/C eyes narrowed at the water and then she slowly reeled back, a sharp gasp coming from her throat. Norrington dropped the map from his hands, looking at her with wide eyes.

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