Chapter 19

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Y/N glanced over at Levi with wide eyes. He was the same, but they were just as distant as he stared out into the forest. The female raised a hand, finger to her lips as she motioned to be quiet. She remembered this place; the forest from the very beginning. It was a bit obvious that was sensitive to sound. The creature didn't react to Y/N the first time she had gotten close to it, but it did react to the scream.

Just thinking about it gave her chills.

Moving slowly, she made her way to the part of the roots and peaked out while wiping her bloodied palm on her jeans. There was no sign of that monster, but this place was its hunting grounds. They had to be careful.

She moved back to Levi slowly, taking her time when stepping across the blood that would soon mold into the ground. The younger contestant had found a secure place to sit down. His feet were lifted off of the ground and up onto the small area he sat at. Y/N felt pity for him. A boy like him shouldn't be placed in a situation like this.

Is that why she felt a sense of pride over protecting him? Because she wanted to help him survive?

Y/N lifted her hands to her face and dropped to the ground. There was a slightly audible gasp that came from Levi when she did so.

God, why was this so frustrating? There were different parts of her saying to protect him, then there were parts of her telling her to leave him behind. Was it normal to think these things in a situation like this? When there was a possibility of dying any day, any minute, any second?

"Y/N..." The whisper from above snatched her out of those dreadful thoughts. Levi was watching both her and the roots where they came from intently, "we should... Find somewhere else to hide. If it's an animal it'll- it'll smell the blood."

Staring up at the young boy for a moment longer, she nodded. Why would she think about leaving him behind? Deceiving him? Levi had been helping her all this time. That wouldn't be fair nor right of her. Besides, she wouldn't be able to carry that weight on her back.

The two stood up, moving as quickly and as quietly as they could along the shadows of the tree they were under. How would they be able to escape such a thing? It was obviously a vicious predator that was sensitive to noise (at least that's what she believed so far). Y/N had no clue if they'd survive this.

Y/N's heart was pounding loudly in her chest as they moved in the forest. It hit against her eardrums so loudly that she was sure the monster could hear it. Could Levi hear it? Of course not, of course not! She was just thinking sporadically. The thoughts reminded her of a poem she had read. When did she read it? Did she read it at all?

The H/C-haired girl clutched the area where her chest was and sucked in a deep breath of air while pausing in her steps.

"Y/N?" Levi whispered at her side, tugging on her sleeve in a hurried way, "are you okay?"

Y/N glanced down at the boy and sucked in a breath once more. Her throat was tight and she felt cold and hot at the same time. She nodded and they continued on, this time at a quickened pace. They hadn't been caught yet, so it seemed to be doing just fine. Yet, there were a few things on her mind.

What poem was she thinking about? Had she forgotten about something in this maze?


Y/N felt the world drop around her and she noisily slid down a dirtied slope; she braced herself for anything at the bottom. It wasn't muddy, but moss and dirt stained her pants as she came to a stop. A hot liquid dripped from her left palm. At that exact moment, she heard the sound of rushed footsteps coming their way. It wasn't human.

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