Chapter 39

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My boyfriend's side profile is just unfair. I am looking at him as he's driving, his head facing forward at the road so that I can only see the right side of his face and dammit this boy's jawline has me biting down on my lip. It's defined, but not in a feminine way, in a strong and solid way. Chiseled I guess would be the word most would use to describe it.

An image of his naked body standing above me while I worked him over with my mouth pops into my head and I squirm in my seat. The smooth contours of his abdomen that lead to his solid pecks with the light blonde hairs barely existing over them. I needed that moment as much as he did, to watch what only I could do him as he unraveled at my touch.

I shift in my seat as I look back out my side window in hopes of finding a distraction from the tingling between my thighs. We pass by a bookstore that we went into last weekend. I remember Shawn groaning playfully when I had dragged him into the store, but he followed me around patiently, never complaining as I browsed up and down every aisle. When I picked out four books he insisted on paying for them and I allowed him, knowing it was important to him to buy them for me.

"Did you pick out what movie you want to see?" Shawn's voice pulls my presence back to the vehicle as I glance over at him.

"The new Spiderman?" I suggest hopefully.

I hadn't really looked too much into the movies that were playing today. Shawn had told me last night he wanted to take me to a movie of my choice, but I knew he really wanted to see the new Spiderman. He worked so hard this week I want him to enjoy the movie too and it might not be my first choice, but it's got Tom Holland so I'll survive.

"Really? Deal!" He exclaims excitedly and I giggle at how cute he is.

We pull into the theater parking lot and it's pretty packed. A reminder that it is Saturday night and one can assume probably the busiest night to go see a movie. It also reminds me that I am leaving tomorrow. Hell, I'm leaving in less then twenty four hours from now.

The overwhelming dread starts to creep in and I force it out before it has a chance to dampen my mood. I will deal with tomorrow, tomorrow.

Shawn races around the car to open my door, a trait I still find myself getting giddy over. He takes my hand as I exit and we walk towards the theater. Once inside my suspicions are confirmed when we are met with a packed lobby.

All the lines are full as Shawn pulls me over to one of the automated kiosks where there is still a line, but it's drastically shorter. We make it to the front of the line in about five minutes and Shawn's gets us our tickets.

The line for the concession stand is annoying long as well, but I can't come to the movies and not get popcorn so we wait in line again. We get a large popcorn to split and each get our own drinks. We have about ten minutes to spare before our movie starts when we walk into our theater.

Surprisingly, it isn't that full. The movie has been out for maybe four or five weeks now so maybe the initial hype has died down. Shawn leads the way and heads down the back row which is still empty as we plant ourselves into two seats in the middle.

By the time the previews start on the screen, there is still no one in our row or the row ahead of us. I see a few heads scattered amongst the rest of the theater, but all in all I'd guess there are about fifteen other people in here. The previews come to an end and the tell tale Marvel movie intro plays on the screen.

I shove another mouthful of the buttery popcorn into my mouth. I've never been a one kernel at a time type of girl, I need to shovel handfuls into my mouth as to not deny myself the pleasure that is movie theater popcorn.

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