"This is true. And we are rooming together next year! I love the apartment we found," she says excitedly.

I couldn't agree more. We lucked out in getting word from one of the Seniors on the track team who told me about their apartment being free next year since they were graduating. Megan and I went by to check it out and it was perfect.

It's two bedrooms, each with their own washroom. The living and kitchen area is open concept and about three times the size of our dorm. Also a plus, it's only about a fifteen minute walk from campus.

"Next year is going to be amazing!"

We embrace and squeeze each other tightly. I can feel myself tearing up with how much I'll miss seeing her everyday. When we pull apart, we each wipe away a tear or two that has fallen.

"Text me lots, I want to be kept in the loop of your love life," she demands playfully.

"I will. And you too."

She nods her head as she moves back towards the door and grabs the handle of her suitcase. Megan is driving her truck back home tonight, it's about a six hour drive so I do not envy her right now. "I'm going to miss you," she says as she pulls me into another hug.

"I'm going to miss you too," I agree.

We separate and with one final smile through watery eyes she walks out the door. I close it behind her and exhale loudly. I glance around our bare dorm room and feel a bit sad that I won't be coming back to it after today. It might be cramped and the communal showers might not be ideal, but it holds so many memories from this unforgettable year I had.

I pull my phone out and see a text from Shawn letting me know he's on his way over to pick me up. We are going to finish packing up his house tonight then tomorrow we are driving up to Telford where I'm going to stay for the week with him and his family. I roll my suitcase behind me as I leave my dorm room for the final time. By the time I exit the building I already see Shawn jogging up he sidewalk towards me.

"Hey beautiful," he greets me with a quick peck before he takes my suitcase and falls in step beside me.

"Hey there boyfriend. How's the packing coming along?"

"It's going," he answers ominously.

I have been helping him pack the past two week and I have come to realize that Shawn is not a skilled packer. Luckily for us, I am. I thrive on being organized and making lists. I call it the Monica trait, like from Friends.

"I'm putting you to work when we get back to your place," I warn him.

"I kinda like the sound of that," he says suggestively.

"Nice try, but no sexy time until you're done packing," I tell him. He makes a loud whining noise as we reach his car.

"Fine, fine, fine. I will take whatever orders you give me," he promises.

The ride to Shawn's is quick and once we get inside I drag him up to his room and we get right to work. Box after box I strategically fill, playing a bit of Tetris with the odd shaped items. Shawn carries each box downstairs once its taped shut.

Thankfully Shawn upholds the stereotype for men and does not have a whole lot of clothing. I'm finishing packing his last box of clothes when I feel Shawn's arms around my waist before he pulls me back and onto the bed with him.

"Break time," he commands as his arms stay strong around me, pulling me against him. "No more work," he whines.

"We are done anyway silly, that's the last box," I tell him as I wiggle in his arms and turn around to face him.

Expectations (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now