35. The Holiday Roadhouse

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"May I propose to you a glass of some of our exquisite Dongcock marked and approved Brandy, Sir Dongcock, Sir?" The deep voice of the hotel worker suddenly dragged the younger brother back into reality, and Edwin quickly looked up at the man. The worker stood, holding out a tray of liquor-filled glasses, behind one of the guards shielding Edwin and Feng from the open, plain scene. Edwin barely dared to look at them. The smell of strong, astringent brandy reeked of Dai Dongcock's character. Feng eyed the worker for a split second, but his gaze ran straight through the man. He turned back as if the question hadn't been more than a gust of wind. Feng's attention was on his brother.
"Of course you can. Publicly speaking, this event is more for you than for them, so do not let them take up your space. You do not need to drink that, unless you want, there is champagne and wine as well." Feng eyed the big stage in front of them. Couches and chairs were being moved to the front section of the theatre auditorium. New, bulletproof glass had been installed to keep the V.I.P section separated from the rest amongst the coming crowd. "I know what is guaranteed to calm you down, whether you believe so right now or not. Let us find grandmother." Feng suggested. The only relative they still had alive from Fei's side of the family was just her, their grandmother. Dai had put sticks in the wheels for them when it came to getting to see her. Occasionally, she managed to send a letter or two into the Dongcock mansion for the two brothers to read, though most of the time all the time they had gotten to spend with her for many years was the short visits to her flower store. Now, though, things might change. For better or worse.

They ascended down the auditorium, stepped onto the still open stage and wandered customarily backstage. The moment they came through the door, they both noted the Wang couple's voices echoing out. They went through instructions with a massive crowd of armed guards in black vests. The two familiar men didn't seem to notice Edwin and Feng as they slipped through the rooms.
"Oh, there you are, my sweet boys. Did you arrive safely? I'm so glad to see you." An old, familiar, slightly faint voice came from their left and both of them turned, perfectly synced. Their gazes greeted the old, petite woman coming carefully but desperately towards them from what seemed to have turned into a gathering area of sorts. The guards that had squared them moved aside for the family member. Before they knew it Li Ming had clasped both of their hands in her own small warm ones. "Oh I was so scared for you, I wondered if something happened. Oh, this is just awful, my darlings." Worry coated her wet eyes, she almost shook where she stood in front of them. Feng seemed to freeze in time, suddenly having no idea how to act. He carefully put a comforting hand on Edwin's back, who had his eyes dead set on their dear grandmother. "Oh come sit down, you should not be up and about. This place is too much." She ushered them towards the area of couches, glasses, and baskets with flowers, fine bottles, and treats.

Edwin slowly looked down at their hands, his cold, slender ones being warmed up by the comforting grasp of their grandmother's humbler, veiny ones. Feeling his hand tremble, his eyes soddened by a split second. He could no longer hide the broken look upon his youthful face. Within the blink of an eye, Edwin clutched their grandmother's small hand in his own, holding it firmly as he lowered his head with a slight nod.
"I'm so... Happy, to see you on your feet grandmother. You look so beautiful." Edwin merely tried to change the hard-spoken subject around, eyeing their beloved grandmother up and down, before hesitantly letting go of her welcoming hands. "I just-"
"Feng, and Shanyuan Dongcock. It has been forever, hasn't it?" A familiar voice came emerging from the crowd, and both Edwin's and Feng's attention were caught. Shanyuan, how the name felt strangely formal, for the teenage boy. A tall, elegantly attired, curvy woman emerged out with a glassful of wine in her glove-dressed hands. Jane Dongcock, her name sent shivers down young girls' spines all the way along the Tonghua border, within the Jilin region. Her strict and dangerous ways of obedience, her punishments for misconduct, everything about this woman, spoke pure corruption. Many people would surely say the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Though, for being Dai's younger sister, she'd always been milder and more delicate in her ways.
"I'm pleased you two could make it. We essentially deemed the two of you transpired to never show up! Who can condemn you, though." Jane spoke slowly as she eyed the two brothers up and down with hawking eyes. "We've essentially already put everything within position. Lights, amplifiers, you name it. The solitary point we need as of now is the food, but it'll be delivered out last minute." Jane smiled carelessly towards the pair. "How are you holding up? It's been a hard month. For all of us." Jane glared at Feng with a cold glance, completely ignoring the poor grandmother's presence.
"I-I need to sit down. Come, grandmother." Edwin quietly uttered as he shakily held his hand out towards the old lady. He grabbed ahold of her soft hand, steering her towards the small sitting area whereas some other relatives were sitting, snacks and drinks in hand.

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