Ambitions (Part Two)

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Grace sat stunned for one brief moment on the couch with tears rolling down her face before she was struck with insistence that she wasn't going to let this happen. Grace ran to the door and out onto the veranda where the heavy rain formed walls of water cascading off of the roof. It was dark and the rain was thick. She could not see Sam. The thunder clapped again, startling Grace. She jumped and knocked over a vase that sat on the ledge.  The wind picked up and blew it into the yard. As Grace ran out into the rain to retrieve it, she saw Sam walking away.

The sight cut into her. It stung. "Sam." She said quietly at first but then, deciding she wanted to be heard, she got louder. "SAM!" She yelled. The torrential rain was deafening. "SAM!" Grace stood, drenched, tears streaming down her face. "SAM!" She cried.

Sam heard her the first time, even over the sound of the rain. It took everything he had to keep walking. The third time, he stopped. What the fuck was he doing? He felt empty inside, confused, not about what he wanted but, about how all of his feelings fit together. Which ones should he listen to and which ones were going to destroy him? He couldn't tell. The next time she called his name, he turned around.

There Grace stood, soaked from the rain, looking small, looking devastated. Their eyes locked. He could see, even through the rain, the tears that streamed down her face. "SAM!" She yelled again. "SAM, I LOVE YOU. Don't you turn your back on this! Don't you turn your back on US."

Sam couldn't move. The rain continued to drench him. The lightning flashed again, lighting up the sky. Sam couldn't think straight. Everything had been so fucked up in his home the past few weeks. He let it change him. He let it wrap its tentacles around his thinking. He let it drain the life out of his dream, the only dream he'd ever had. And now, Grace was standing in front of him telling him she loved him. Sam thought back to the night that he and Grace had laid in the grass together, looking up at the stars. No regrets. Don't let your human fears keep you from being who you were created to be, Sam. 

"I love you." She said more softly. Unsure what else to say or do, Grace stood soaking in the rain staring at the man she loved.

Slowly, Sam took a step toward Grace. His pulse quickened. He closed his eyes. He could see who he wanted to be and in that moment, he decided he wasn't going to let his humanness keep him from it. Slowly, step by step, Sam walked toward Grace, holding her gaze. He felt hot tears stinging his eyes.

When he got to her, Sam placed his hands on the sides of her face. He touched his lips to hers. They were quivering but warm. "I'm sorry" he whispered. He kissed her again. "I'm so sorry." He held her face and looked into her eyes. "I love you. I love you so much". The rain poured down as Grace, overcome by emotion, overcome by the tension, wrapped her arms around Sam's neck and passionately kissed him. Grace didn't know what had happened, exactly. She would find out eventually. But in that moment, they had finally broken down a barrier that had been a long time coming. She had finally told Sam how she felt about him - and he, well, he just said he.....loved her. 

Lightning flashed and thunder cracked almost simultaneously, pulling the couple out of their kiss. Grace looked into Sam's eyes. "Will you come inside?" she asked. Sam nodded and kissed her as the rain dripped off the tip of her nose.

Grace took Sam's warm hand and gently led the way back into the farmhouse. Once inside, they both realized just how soaked they were. Dripping with rain, the two stared at each other for a moment. Droplets of water fell from Grace's hair, rolling slowly down her arms.  The tension was delectable. Sam stepped toward Grace, kissing her hard. Her white dress clung to her body as he pulled it down. Her body was slippery underneath. Grace moaned as she felt Sam's warm, soft hands touching her in places he never had before. Her dress fell to the floor. Grace reached out, pulling Sam's drenched t-shirt off of his muscular chest. She slid her fingers down, taking it all in.

Pausing, Grace looked into Sam's eyes, "I want all of you" she whispered. He took the lead, picking her up, wrapping her slippery, smooth legs around him, and walked up the stairs to her bedroom.



a Stardew Valley fan fiction: The Proper Care and Feeding of SoulsWhere stories live. Discover now