Chapter 20: Words (Part One)

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"I think... 

if it is true that 

there are as many minds as there are heads, 

then there are as many kinds of love as there are hearts."

- Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina

It was Sunday morning and Grace defiantly made the decision to sleep in. The farm could wait while she lingered in her cloud of comfort for just a few more hours, she decided. By the time she rose, it was after 9, which felt indulgent to the girl who now regularly woke with the sun.

After breakfast and two leisurely cups of coffee on the veranda, Grace reluctantly tended to the crops and flowers. The farm had come so far. She couldn't help but smile as she surveyed the land. The summer sun wildly shined high in the sky, casting its rays on the beautiful valley below. It made Grace's heart happy. It made her feel like being adventurous.

Finished with the day's necessities, Grace retreated back into the house, escaping into the cool, shady kitchen, she poured herself a large glass of water and sat on a stool to cool off. Grace's phone buzzed and she picked it up to see 4 missed messages.


It was Sebastian. Always full of words, that one.

5 minutes later.....

Grace, r u around today?

Another 5 minutes later.....

Hey r u ignoring your ride or die cuz I really need

your help


Grace grabbed her phone and guilty responded.

Me ignore you? 🙄

I was outside. What's up?

Oh, thank God. Sam's bday. totally forgot.

Grace smiled. Why was she not surprised that Sam's birthday fell on a day where the sun flirtatiously, vibrantly filled the air evoking an undeniable urge for playfulness? It was so very him.

k. Come over.

Within 15 minutes, Sebastian found himself gently knocking on the screen door of the farmhouse.

"Just come in!" Grace yelled from within. Feeling slightly awkward, Sebastian opened the door and stepped inside. He had never been inside the farmhouse before, not even when Grace's grandparents lived here. He didn't really remember them. It was nice, the farmhouse. Cozy and inviting.

Sebastian looked around. Not seeing Grace, he stiffly leaned against the kitchen island and waited. A few minutes later, Grace came bounding down the stairs in jeans and a black t-shirt with wet hair.

"Sorry", she breathed. "I had to shower."

Sebastian rolled his eyes for effect and against his will, a slight smile escaped his lips.

"So..... what's the plan?" Grace excitedly pondered. If there was one thing she missed about the city, it was the almost constant barrage of celebrations.

Sebastian shrugged uncomfortably.

"Oh geez," Grace responded, grabbing her phone to text Abigail. She was going to need reinforcements. Grace's eyes widened. "birthday party!" She proclaimed in a sing-song voice.

a Stardew Valley fan fiction: The Proper Care and Feeding of SoulsWhere stories live. Discover now