Chapter 8: Taking Cover

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"I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship."

- Louisa May Alcott, Little Women


Sebastian could hear the voices starting to rise and he knew what was coming. As he ran out of the door and down the front steps of the house, he heard his mom yelling, his dad's boisterous demands, and the inevitable crash that meant he'd knocked her down. Sebastian ran like he always did, making his way up to the cave just north of the lake where he waited it out when things like this happened. A little voice behind him called his name. He slowed, holding out his hand without turning to look back, and waited.

Abigail Devereux's frilly white dress rustled as she ran to catch up with her best friend. Her shiny white dress shoes made her running uneven and slow, but she kept going. She knew. And she didn't want him to be alone. Right as she caught up and latched on to Sebastian's outstretched hand, wrapping her tiny fingers around his, the sound of shattering glass rang through the valley. Holding on to each other, they ran.

When they made it to the small cave just north of the lake, they both crouched down and panted for a second, each catching their breath. The cave was dark and cool, but shallow so that it allowed in enough light to keep it from being too creepy. Sebastian made his way to a corner in the back of the cave and pulled out a big quilt, spreading it out for them to sit on.

"I found this in the bottom of the hall closet. I hope my mom doesn't notice it's gone,", he said. Abigail nodded and sat down next to Sebastian, fanning out her dress to cover her legs. She stared ahead fidgeting with her hands and waiting for Sebastian to say something else, but he didn't. Being there together, that was enough.

Watching the lake from inside the cave, Sebastian noticed the drops of rain disturbing the smooth surface of the water before anyone else would've noticed the rain coming. Even back then, he found solace in the comforting sound of rain falling in the valley. The rain got heavier and Sebastian felt Abby tense up next to him. He knew she didn't like the storms like he did.

A clap of thunder boomed and Abby jumped and whimpered. Sebastian looked over. Curled up as tight as she could be with her knees up to her chest, her bottom lip quivering, Abby squeezed her eyes shut tight. She was holding her tears as best she could. Sebastian reached his arm out around her and pulled her close to him. He was eight and she was only seven. He wanted to protect her. Abby took a deep breath and rested her head on Sebastian's shoulder, feeling safe, as long as they were together.


The lake had become a refuge for me. Its silence could be, at times, almost deafening, its beauty, blinding. Sitting on the edge of the lake that day, I let it all work together, blurring my senses and soothing my soul. It had been about six months. In some ways, an eternity, yet in other ways, it felt so fresh. None of it had left me: the sounds of that night, the smell, the throbbing pain. It existed right under the surface, unexpectedly rearing its ugly head at the most inopportune times.

Last week, for example, I had run to the general store to pick up the produce seeds Pierre had special ordered for me. I'd finally agreed to try to grow some crops to help Pierre offer local, fresh produce. The cute girl with the purple hair who I'd seen at the beach with Sebastian was wandering aimlessly around the store, looking dreadfully bored. I now knew her to be Pierre's daughter. Her name was Abigail.

Not necessarily paying attention to where she was walking, Abigail ran smack into the side of a large metal shelving unit and cut her lip. Embarrassed, she quickly ran to get a tissue, assuring her dad she was fine. But it was too late. I had seen the blood dripping from the corner of her mouth. I felt the pulsing of the blow, the taste of blood in my mouth. I could feel it dripping down my chin and could see it puddling onto the ground. My pulse quickened and my breath got shallow. The room spun around me. I quickly excused myself, telling Pierre I had forgotten something urgent and ran out the door.

a Stardew Valley fan fiction: The Proper Care and Feeding of Soulsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें