Chapter 20: Words (Part Two)

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Sam was in extrovert heaven as he mingled and chatted with everyone at the party. He was talking with Demetrius, Sebastian's stepdad, when he noticed there were colorful helium-filled balloons floating a foot or so above everyone's heads. Across the room, Grace smiled to herself realizing that Sam had discovered the balloons. She walked closer but hung back just enough. Mid-conversation, Demetrius caught Sam staring up at the balloons. Reaching up, he grabbed a blue one that floated over his head, handing it to Sam by the attached ribbon.

Sam smiled awkwardly. How weird was it that Sebastian's stepdad just handed him a balloon? Holding the balloon by the ribbon, Sam looked back at Demetrius, and out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the black markings on the balloon. Sam pulled the balloon close. In big black letters, the balloon had the word thoughtful written on it. Confused, Sam tilted his head, looking back at Demetrius.

"You are thoughtful, Sam." He said. "Thank you for being such a good friend to Sebastian." Sam smiled, looking around uncomfortably wondering if anyone was seeing this exchange.

Penny interrupted, approaching with a bright red balloon. She handed the balloon to Sam. "Sam", she said quietly. "You are so kind-hearted." Sam smiled, starting to catch on. He looked at the balloon, and sure enough, kind-hearted was scrawled on the balloon in Penny's handwriting.

Sam felt a lump forming in his throat. No one had ever done anything like this for him. He had birthday parties, like most kids, when he was growing up - cake and pin the tail on the donkey. This was different. He smiled and blinked to make sure the tears in his eyes weren't noticeable. One by one, every guest walked up to Sam, handing him a balloon, telling him their word.





Kickass musician

Best Smile

You make me feel special



Cool. Brave. Best big brother ever.


My Rock


I love you, honey. Love mom.




As the last few neighbors approached Sam with their balloons, Grace slipped into the kitchen silently laying out 20 of Sam's favorite maple pastries, sticking a candle in each one. Sam stood in the middle of the farmhouse, grasping onto an enormous bouquet of balloons, words failing him when the lights dimmed. He could hear Grace's voice behind him as she kicked off the singing of happy birthday. Sam turned around, expecting to see a cake. Instead, he took in a spread of his absolute favorite sweets in the world that were so hard to find. No one in town even knew how to make them, but there they were, all ablaze with flickering birthday candles. Sam smiled, laughing. He buried his face in his hands, feeling as though his heart might burst at the sight of this gesture. The surprise was almost enough to keep him from the embarrassment of everyone singing and staring at him in expectation. Blowing out the candles, he looked to Grace. 

"But....How.....?" He started. In a bold moment, Grace placed a finger near Sam's lips to silence him. She smiled, her eyes sparkling into his. 

"I cannot tell you all of my secrets," she whispered.

Delighting in the sugary pastries, the neighbors lingered just a bit longer before eventually, in small groups, they made their way home until it was just the four friends left sitting together on the couch. They laughed and joked, reliving the moment when Sam walked in, reminiscing about old birthdays they'd shared together.

"So, man," Sebastian started in his soft deep voice, "how's it feel to finally be twenty?"

Sam smiled. He had been unusually quiet, still trying to take in the evening. "Best day ever." He shifted his position on the couch, looking into the eyes of each of his three friends. "Thank you guys," he caught the lump in his throat just before it affected his voice and decided not to elaborate.

"20. Wow. You guys are getting old," Abigail teased. "20 guests, 20 maple bars, 20 balloons.....Sam, 20 might just be your year. It's written into the stars," she said whimsically.

Sam chuckled at her silliness. Distracted, he looked up to his balloons. "19...," he counted. "Only 19 balloons, but close Abs."

Confused, Abigail looked up to the floating balloons. "No, no! There are 20! Did someone forget to give you theirs?" She pondered, anxious to solve the mystery.

Sebastian's eyes met Grace's and she shot him a threatening look back, furrowing her brows and shaking her head. Don't you dare say anything Sebastian, she thought.

Sebastian slapped his hands on the tops of his legs and stood up. "Well," he looked at Abigail, who was in deep concentration as she counted Sam's balloons. "Come on, Abby...let's get outta here". Annoyed by the distraction, Abigail shot Sebastian a side look. He tried to subtly give her a knowing look and nodded toward the door.

"Oh, fine." She relented. "Happy Birthday, old man," she teased as she pulled Sam into a hug. Sebastian slapped Sam on the back affectionately, "Happy Birthday, man." Sam, refusing to let his best friend get away that easily, wrapped his arms around him and squeezed. "You know I love you, man," he smiled at Sebastian's endearing discomfort.

The screen door squeaked as it closed behind Sebastian and Abigail as they left. After the noise and energy of the party, the farmhouse felt especially silent and still. Sam and Grace, finally alone, stood facing each other. Sam felt brave, a mixture of adrenaline, endorphins, and nervousness running through him.

He caught Grace's deep green eyes, "do you have my last balloon?" His warm voice was sweet and smooth.

Grace's eyes cast down to the floor. She blushed. Covering her face with her hands, "Yes," she sighed. Walking toward the kitchen, she avoided Sam's eyes in embarrassment. "I chickened out," she confessed. As she opened the kitchen cabinet to her left, a single white balloon escaped. Sam smiled warmly. His heart pounded inside his chest. This was the one word he really wanted to hear. Grace felt hot. Her hands fluttered nervously as she handed the balloon to Sam, avoiding his eyes. Her heart raced.

Sam reached out and accepted the balloon from Grace, grazing her hand with his. Holding the white orb in his hands, he rotated it to read what Grace had written. home.

Flustered, Grace shrugged her shoulders and chuckled. "I doesn't make sense, I know," she mumbled quickly. Sam shifted his gaze from the balloon to Grace. He held his eyes on hers while her green eyes fluttered in and out of connecting with his. Sam waited.

"'re sugar cookies..." Grace smiled sweetly. "When I'm around you....I don't just feel...happy...I feel..... feel like home......I......" Grace trailed off, desperately unsettled by her own words. She shifted her eyes up to meet Sam's. 



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