Chapter 23: Hearts & Heroes

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"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it."

- Roald Dahl

By eight the next morning, Grace has effectively run through last night's events in her head a least a hundred times. Her phone had rested on her nightstand the entire night in hopes that Sam might text her, but he never did. In an attempt to engage her busy mind and energized body, she pulled out a huge basket and walked down to the orchard to pick the last of the season's peaches.

While the peach picking used up her excessive energy, it didn't do as much as she had hoped to quiet her mind. Over the past six months in the valley, she had come to know a new rhythm of life, she felt her wounds healing, the darkness lifting. Of course, she'd be crazy to think it was all behind her, but for the first time in her life, she felt like she could see a glimpse of something she wanted to run toward instead of all that she had been running from. As clear as day, she could see a life with Sam, here in this town, working the land and living side by side with the people she had come to know and love. She wanted it more than she had ever wanted anything.

Later that morning after Grace has dropped off her harvest of peaches at the general store, she heard an unmistakable voice yelling her name enthusiastically.

"Grace! GRAAAACCCEEE!," Vincent called.

"Hey, buddy!". She noticed a blue cast covering the lower half of his left arm. Jodi stood next to Vincent, looking completely exhausted.

Grace knelt down so she could be face to face with Vincent. "Oh no! What happened? she asked, trying to act surprised, while also piecing together what must have happened last night and coming to an understanding of why she hadn't heard from Sam.

"I superhero-ed off the back of the couch!" Vincent proudly proclaimed. "Mom!", Vincent urgently chattered. "Can Grace sign my cast? Where's my marker?" Jodi pulled a black permanent marker from her purse and handed it to Grace with a weak smile.

Grace held Vincent's cast gingerly as she wrote her message:

Some superheroes have big capes, 

but the best superheroes have big hearts like you, Vincent.


Grace took another look at Jodi and turned back to Vincent.

"Hey Vincent, buddy. I found a bunch of snails eating away at my crops the other day and I need to help them find a new home. You're my go-to snail expert. Is there any way you'd be willing to help me?"

Vincent's eyes got wide. "YES! Like now?! You know I love snails, Grace?! You have to be very careful with them. I'll show you". Grace giggled at his enthusiasm.

"Now would be awesome if it's okay with your mom.", Grace said, looking up at Jodi.

"Oh MOM. Please? Can I please? Please?"

Jodi chuckled. "Okay, Vincent, but you have to be a super good listener and on your very best behavior for Miss Grace.", Jodi warned.

"I will, mom. I promise."

Relieved, Jodi thanked Grace and told her she'd be by the farmhouse in an hour or so to pick up Vincent.

"Honestly, Jodi, no hurry. We'll have a blast. Take all the time you need." Grace assured her.

Jodi tilted her head to the side, smiling at Grace, and turned to head home as Vincent bounced off to the farm with Grace.


a Stardew Valley fan fiction: The Proper Care and Feeding of SoulsWhere stories live. Discover now